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The sound of his laughter was so alluring. I did want to hear him laugh all night long.
Everything he had said and done was quite captivating and I found myself wanting more .

More of everything.

"You should stop staring at me like that. " His voice was thick and nice.
With a sweet melody that played like music in my ears.
"I won't! It's not every day you get a handsome rich guy to hang out with"

We sat at the trunk of his car in an open field, staring at the dark sky filled with stars and the large moon illuminating the earth.
Noah had helped me get a day off from Aliyah who still agreed to pay me even without working.
I literally didn't loose anything.

I heard a soft giggle escaped from his lips. His hands were wrapped around my waist and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

A part of me was sending some kind of warning to me but I didn't want to heed  to it. Not now, I loved everything. I loved the feeling.
So I did push that part of me aside and focused on the moment.

"Well I feel lucky. It's not every time you get to have a chance with a damsel like you."
I chuckled slightly staring at his deep blue eyes.
He had a very warm smile on his face.
It might be too soon but I liked him already.
I really did.

"Noah, tell me about your family" I caressed his hand on my waist lightly with the tips of my fingers.
"Well, I'm an only child. My dad didn't really get married. He just had a slut give birth to me and took me from her I guess. So right now, I live with my dad, my uncle and my grand father and some of my dad employees"

"So you don't know your mum?" I asked stunned and he nods his head.
"How does it feel not being raised by your mum"
"I really don't know Alex. Normal, I guess" he shrugged.
"Have you ever tried knowing her. Searching for her. Don't you wanna know her?"

"Honestly, not exactly. I do know she's a slut and that's all. I really don't care about her." He said and I sighed.
"Oh. Can I come visiting one day. I did like to see your house" I turned to look at him waiting for a response.

I noticed his expression changed and became quite sore. It seemed like I had asked a wrong question but I still waited to hear whatever he had to say to me.
"Well, I don't know how to say this but my father won't want to hear of it. He doesn't want me bringing any woman home. He disliked it. He hated strangers or someone he barely knows coming into our home."

I felt his hands move to my hip, caressing it lightly.
"I would love you to visit too. Why don't we, maybe meet at an hotel or something. Will you be okay with that?"

I felt kinda bad. I really wanted to see his house and get to know his family but his family didn't really sound like the best family.
"Sure!" I mumbled unsure of what I felt this moment.
He cupped my face and made me look at him. " Hey! Don't be sad. I don't want you to be. Anytime you wanna meet with me, just call me. I'll be there. I promise. We could meet in an hotel. Not just any hotel, a very expensive one too. One that would cater for all your needs." I felt his lips on my forehead. "Okay?" He sounded so assuring so I nodded.

"Now you tell me about your family. What did you move to washington?"

I did get blown away by that question. I couldn't say the truth. Not at all.
I did prefer to keep that side of me a secret.

That part might chase Noah away. Being involved in crime and having killed quite a number of people in my life, from pittsburgh all the way here.
I didn't want to reveal that, at least not yet.

"I'm an orphan and I once lived in washington. My parents died in an accident. I moved to pittsburgh to live with my uncle and his family. I don't really have much of a story. I finished from high school about a year ago. So I decided to come back here and start a life for myself"
That was true but not all true.
Somewhere, I felt being dishonest could ruin things between I and Noah but telling him who I really am and my purpose for coming to washington could do even worse.

I felt his grip on my waist tightened. "Sorry about that" he whispered into my ears making my giggle In excitement.

We stayed in silence staring at the dark sky. It was quite a beautiful sight in a peaceful environment. Just me and him. Together.
I did want this night to last forever but time flew fast .
"Noah, I have to go home. I've some stuffs to attend to."
"Now?" He sounded displeased.
I nodded slowly. "Okay".

He helped me off the trunk and got down himself and we both got into his car driving off.


I didn't want to tell her good bye, but I had to anyways.

She got into her apartment and I walked back to my car driving off.

I got home and I could feel the atmosphere was tensed.

I moved to the basement to meet my dad ranting and fuming in anger.
"Uncle Malcolm, what happened?" My gaze still didn't move from my dad who was pacing to and fro.
"Your dad got Gary to go check that yard again just to make sure you weren't mistaking..."
"And...?" Hearing the yard which was where Alex stayed I was beginning to become Impatient but I tried to hide it.
"Gary's body was found lying dead by the road side. He was stabbed."
"Road side? What roadside?"
"Not close to that yard. Quite far from there. It's a deserted road, the route that leads to our second warehouse"

I sighed in relief. At least it wasn't close to that hood.
"So what's dad gonna do now?"
"Well, it seems you were right. He wasn't killed in that hood. He was killed before he could even get there, that's what we could get from our mafia doctor. It was a planned attack. Now we feel those petty thieves have spread out. There are everywhere"

"We need to find those morons soon.
We won't rest unless we do."
My father rants in annoyance.

I was honestly Short of words so I left the basement for my room.
I got my clothes off and headed for a warm bath.
Still in my head was Alex.
We did spend quite some time together today.

It was fun. Really fun.

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