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I climbed my bike and sadly rode up with great speed.
I was feeling so bad and overwhelmed she takes me to be like the rest of the irresponsible men out there and it hurt me.
I cursed myself for going there in the first place. I shouldn't have.
Now, I got a total rejection and nothing hurt me this moment than this.

My grip to my bike was strong and I rode with great speed. It was night and luckily the cops were calm.
Even if, my connections could still relieve me of any trouble.


I searched around the club for him but he was nowhere to be seen.
I took orders to the upper floor but he wasn't there either, just some strange faces.

My heart raced with guilt. I did want to take back all I said to him last night. I was sorry and I felt his absence was due to me and all I said to him last night.
I did try to tell my self he wasn't worth it but a part of me wanted to explore more and I liked the feeling I get from being around him.

Aliyah walked up to where I stood sulking. She had a smirk on her face while glancing at me as usual from head to toe.
"Wats up Alex!" Her voice was calm and I look up to her. I didn't want to tell her what exactly was bothering me so I shook my head.

"Nothing! I'm fine. Just a little bit tired!"
"Oh my dear, I understand. You should know it's quite stressful taking orders and serving too but it worth the pay , am I right?" She cheered happily and I nod in agreement.
"By the way, did you get to speak with Noah. Noah Hawkins!"
My eyes lit up at that question.
I looked at her not certain about what she meant but my gaze was strong.
I wanted her to continue.
"That man is one in a million. I think he likes you. He asked of you when you left yesterday and I must say you left early girl."
"He asked of me?"

She nods" You bet he did. I think he likes you. That guy barely likes any girl. He doesn't even like any but I was shocked when he came to me asking about you. I think he wants you!" There was so much delight in her voice and it only made me feel worse.
"Sure!" I mumbled sadly.
"Are you okay?"
"Oh well, get ready to serve more!" She left.

Thinking about all Aliyah had said, I felt worse. He wasn't lying after all.
He meant every word he said to me.
I hate the fact I was feeling this way.
It ain't helping me one bit.


I was wrapped in my towel after my long warm shower.
My body did ache. Working at night isn't quite easy, I have to take pills to prevent me from falling asleep.
My cellphone rang and I picked it.
"Alex!!!" Ciara's cheered over the phone.
"Hey Ciara!"
"You haven't called me for some days now. Are you okay?" Her voice sounds troubled and angry too.
"I'm fine! I've just been busy with work and all"
"Oh! Working at the club?"
"Okay. How about Blake. Gotten anything yet? "
"Not exactly but I find myself lucky to be living in a yard where everyone literally everyone hates the government and wants to get back at them. I'm living in a yard of criminals Ciara. They are all criminals seeking revenge like I am."
"Wow! So are you a team with them already?"
"Not yet. I haven't talked to them yet. But I'll soon. Probably today!"
",You should! And we are here waiting for your signal girl. "
"Thanks Ciara, when all things work out I'll let y'all know!"
"Sure! Do take care Alex. Love you"
"Love you too Ciara!" I hung up and retired to drying my wet hair.

I left my apartment. I did search my neighborhood for the man I talked to that day during the incident.
He was the only one I basically knew.

I honestly don't know where to find him but I chose to wait at my doorstep who knows a miracle might happen and he would pass.
And like that a miracle indeed happened.

He was just coming in. I got up and walk up to him.
"Do you remember me?" His face was hard and he looked like he didn't know who I was so I had to ask.
He nods at my question and I smiled.
"I'm Alex!"
"Nathan!" His voice was low but sharp.
He wasn't looking alright One bit.
"Are you okay?" He nods.
"Well um Nathan, I would like to meet with the rest of your gang. Maybe meet your leader... Dax"
I watch him stare at me blankly before laughing so hard.

He didn't stop , I grew annoyed and watched him laugh till he could not any more.
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Look lady, you should mind your business and not involve yourself in our business. At least no one is noticing you now so don't make them do."
"I'm serious. I want to meet y'all. I, just like y'all is seeking for revenge."
"Who sent you?"
His question took me by surprise. I began to feel uncomfortable as he stared at me with great suspicion.
"No one. I'm new here. I'm new in washington. No one sent me. I just wanna join y'all. I'm damn serious man!" I snapped in annoyance.

"Follow me!" He walked ahead and I walked behind him.
I got into a bigger apartment. If my estimates were correct, it was 25 times bigger than my small, portable apartment.
"Sit" Nathan said to me and left.

Soon the room I was in, was begin to get filled with men. Strong men and young boys too.
Should I say I felt terrified?
No!!! I just felt weird with their strong gaze on me.

Nathan appeared in their midst as they created a path way for another very built mature man.
He sat right opposite me while the other men found places to hang but we were all in the room together.
"What's your name?"
"Alexandra Rogers but I act as Alexandra Mace"

"So you say you looking for revenge?" The mature man asked. There was so much authority in the way he spoke, he reminded me of my father.
I nod slightly.
"Are you scared?" I shook my head.
"Well I'm Dax and this is my crew. I'm sure ya already know who we are. No need to talk bout that. We're gon talk bout you girl."
"So tell me, who ya want to revenge on. Who's ya target?"
"Blake and everything he got." I was firm and my eyes were filled with determination. I did want to sound as serious as possible and stand my ground.
Couldn't let these men look down on me one bit.

"Why?" I could see the eagerness in Dax's eyes.
"He destroyed my family. He destroyed my father's mafia."
"Who's your father?"
"Dean Rogers."
There was a loud gasp. I looked up to all of them and I could read shock all over their faces.
"There's a resemblance!" Nathan snapped.
"Yes there is."
"My father decided to trust him but he turned his back and destroyed us. Destroyed the business and killed both my parents."

"Wow! Dean Rogers was a good man. One of the best I've met. Yes he ran the biggest mafia in the country but he had wisdom. So sad!" I looked up to Dax who stared at me with sympathy.
"You can join us but just so you know, if you dare double cross us, no one is gonna hesitate in slitting your throat!" It sounded more like a threat than a warning.
"Trust me. I don't know why y'all want revenge but I'm so damn serious about getting mine!"

Dax smiled at me.
"I've faith in a Rogers. Don't fail me!"
He turned to his crew" we've a new recruit. Y'all gon train her and teach her our ways. Alex, this is our house. Our office, our hideout"
I glanced around. "You're welcome"
All the men came to me shaking my hand forcefully.
I wasn't the only female present. There were three other females who gave me a warm welcome.

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