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I couldn't go back to the mansion, I was forced to attend the party.

I did stay in a corner of the large hall watching the event unfold.
I couldn't believe my own family would do this to me.
This damn party was an engagement ceremony for I and Lisa and our wedding date has been fixed.

It can't possibly happen. I can't get married to Lisa.
Alex needs me, she wants me and I want her too but I was beginning to doubt how stubborn I could be.

My father always had his way, he always made do whatever he wants even when I didn't want to.

"Bruh, " Justin appeared before me and sat right next to me.
"Wassup. You don't look alright"
"Did you know?" I uttered hurtfully.

"Know what?" He asked.
"About the engagement ceremony for I and Lisa?"
"Engagement ceremony?" His jaw dropped. He looked surprised. I guess he wasn't even aware.

"Who's Lisa?" I pointed at her busy discussing with the elderly woman she had come with.

"Isn't she the heiress to the mafia Lord in Africa?" I nodded. She was indeed an heiress, now I understand why my father wants to marry me off.

He's literally marrying me off because this, was so against my wish.
"Bruh!" I felt the concern in Justin's voice.
"Don't worry. It's gon be okay!" He wasn't sounding quite convinced himself. I could see it from his expression.

It only made me laugh hysterically.
"Okay? It's far from being okay. Very far Justin. I wish I could just run away!" I muttered unconsciously but that last part did stick to my head.

"What if I do run away?"
"Don't say that. Where the hell would you go? Don't even consider that Noah." Justin warned and I rolled my eyes because I was literally considering it.

I could run away with Alex. We could go somewhere, somewhere that isn't here.
Somewhere far from all this excessive control and hunger for power.

My dad got on the stage looking quite cheerful.
"Hello everyone." He said with the microphone in his hands drawing everyone's attention to him.

"It's such a wonderful night isn't it?" He had such a radiant smile on his face. He was looking all nice and loving. The hag literally doesn't care about me or my feelings.
It's only about the mafia. Nothing else.

"I did like to share the wonderful news tonight and also reveal the main purpose for this gathering.
In our very midst we have Harrison Ave all the way from Africa. Here's here with his daughter and his girlfriend"
He points to them and the guests applauded.

"His very beautiful damsel Lisa Ave, is going to be the wife to my son!" The spotlight shifted to me and I felt strange.

My father gave me sign to come up stage. In as much as I didn't want to, I just had to. I couldn't act all stubborn in front of quite a number of guests.

Lisa came up stage too.
Then a butler holding a tray with two ring boxes on it stood just by the side on the stage.
The boxes were open revealing the very expensive rings.

"Tonight is the night of their engagement. That is the reason we are all gathered here."
Everyone in the hall clapped and cheered with joy. I could bet I was the only one sulking.
The only one who didn't look happy, I did try to fake a smile but the sadness in me didn't allow.

My father gave the butler a sign and he walked up to us.
"Now, you'll pick the ring and put it on each other's finger"

I watched Lisa made the first move.
She had this radiant smile on her face. I could vividly remember when she said she was hurting too but I do doubt it. She doesn't look like she's hurting.

Infact,she looked happy, excited all the words you could possibly use to describe a happy person.

She looked at me I guess she wanted me to lift my hand so she could put the ring but my mind wasn't there.

I was lost in thoughts.
I felt her lift my hand slowly but carefully and she wore the ring in it.

It was my turn, I stared at her blankly. Emotionless, I didn't know what I felt. I did feel everything but happy.
"C'mon son. Don't disgrace me" my dad whispered into my ears.

I couldn't look at everyone that was expecting me to put the ring in her finger.
I felt like running away far from the party.
"Noah!" My dad yelled in rage.
I still saw the smile on Lisa's face.
I picked up the ring and wore it on her finger.

Everyone clapped and cheered. She did want to hug me but I walked out.
I really didn't care if anyone noticed it.

I went back to sit in the corner. Justin was still there. He gave me a sympathetic pat. I felt so hurt I thought I would cry but no tear dropped.
" I did like to introduce my love. The woman who played a great role in my success today. I did like y'all to give her a round of applause as she comes on stage"

My eyes were glued to her as she walked up stage and kissed my father on the cheek.
She looked so familiar. Not like I had seen her but she looked very much like someone I knew.

"Frances Rogers!" My dad added and the crowd cheered.
From her blonde hair to her lips and her face shape, I could have sworn that I knew her.

"Surprised your dad has a girlfriend!" Justin remarked.
"I'm surprised too!" I muttered.

AUTHOR: How y'all enjoying the story so far. Just wanted y'all to drop ya thoughts in the comment section.❤️💯

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