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Another day of work. It was just a day before the party at the Clovers mansion.
A part of me felt really excited and eager too.
I couldn't wait to see what it looked like in there and see their faces beaming with smiles one last time because after that night, we will make sure to make their lives a living hell.

Noah did say he was busy so we weren't able to hang out. He didn't come to the club and I felt quite bored buh luckily time flew and my shift was over.

I didn't waste time in changing my clothes and collecting my pay from Aliyah before leaving.

The night was cold and it was like a few days to Christmas.
About 25 days left.
I could feel the cold steam come out my mouth.

Just then, I got cornered by 3 girls.
I recognized them. They were waitresses at the club too but I barely talked to them.

They weren't looking happy one bit.
They had frowns in their faces and their eyes showed disgust.

"Is there a problem?" I asked still trying to understand what the all cornering stuff was for .

"Well you bitch, who the hell do you think you are huh?You think you can come to the club and mess around right. You've gotten yourself to be one of Aliyah's favorite and also got the rich man at the upper room wrapped round your finger. How dare you!" One of them yelled.

I understood what was bothering them. They were jealous.
I did try to hold my laughter and I was in no mood to fight.
"Girls, just let me be. " I tried to walk pass but one stood in front of me preventing me from moving.

'" c'mon girls, you shouldn't do this" I was tryna warn them but they didn't listen and for some reasons I was feeling weak and dizzy.

My eye sight would go blurry and clear constantly but I didn't want to show that. I didn't want to give them a reason to think that I am weak but I couldn't help it.

I almost slumped and I heard them laugh. My sight was getting blurry and blurry. I wasn't able to see anything just darkness but I could hear them laughing.

I felt a hard blow on my jaw and that made me fall.
I was too weak to even talk and I could barely see anything.
I felt kicks in my body and that was it I passed out right there.

I woke up to a worried looking Ciara and Nathan.
"Um... Where am I?" My head was aching terribly.
"Relax! You're home. " Ciara pat me causing me to lay down on the bed.

"My head aches!" My vision wasn't really clear but I could see Ciara and Nathan.
Nathan's hands were folded on his chest and Ciara just stared at me.
"What happened to me?"

Last thing I could remember were the girls and me passing out on the street with some hard blows and kicks from them I guess.

"You were poisoned. Thank goodness I found you on time" Ciara spoke in a worried tone.
She nods. My gaze moved to Nathan who stood there still with a frown on his face.

"You need to rest Alex!" Ciara helped me sit up in the bed.
With my vision coming back to normal but my head still ached and my jaw hurt too due to the punch.
Those girls! I wonder what I did to them and who the hell would have poisoned me? Could they be the ones?

"The party is today. I need to attend" I grumbled.
"I'm afraid Alex, with your present state, you won't be able to go for the party. You'll stay back and Ciara will stay with you. I and some other gang members will attend it." Nathan's tone was sharp and he walked out not even giving me a chance to question his decision.

"I need to go! Ciara..." I did want to complain but my head aches terribly.
"Rest, Alex! Please! You need it! "

I really wished I could attend the party. But weakness dwelled in every part of my body.
Every part.

"Here, your phone been ringing but I was too busy to check it. And I suggest you call you boss and inform her you won't be able to make it tonight!"

I weakly took the phone from her and saw the missed calls all from Noah.
"Could you help me call the number back?" I couldn't handle the phone so Ciara helped me out.

"Hey babe!" I heard Noah's voice from the phone.
"Hi!" I uttered weakly.
"What happened? You sound weak!"
"I was poisoned!"
"Poisoned?" He yelled.
"Yes!" My voice was sore and weak.
I could feel Ciara caress my head lovingly.

"Who could have done that?"
"I don't know but it had to have happened at the club. I remember taking a glass of chapman."
"Oh my goodness! Do you need me to come over babe?"
"No. Don't worry. My friend is taking good care of me."
"I promise, I'm gon help you find out who did it and trust me who ever is responsible is gon pay big time!"
"Yeah! Thanks! Could you tell Aliyah I won't be coming tonight!"
"Sure! Are you sure I shouldn't come over babe? You sound pretty exhausted!" I could sense the worry in his voice.

"I'm fine Noah. Trust me. I'm in good hands over here!"
"Just take care. I'm gonna go to the club now. We must get to the root of this!" His voice was filled with such annoyance.

Even though I was weak, I found kind of cute in my head.
"Thank you. I'll hang up now. I need to rest."
"Sure, take care!" And with that Ciara helped me end the call.

I turned to Ciara who was giggling..

"He sounds so cute." She muttered making me blush.
"It's so cute you've someone worrying about you!" She added.

"I would really love to see him. Why don't you invite him over?"
"I can't invite him over. This hood is full of criminals. He doesn't know I have something to do with them. It's just gon be risky Ciara!" I groaned due to my head ache.

"I really wonder who would have poisoned you at the club."
"I've my suspects!" I uttered weakly almost as a whisper.
"The girls that attacked me yesterday on my way home. I slumped before them and they were all laughing. One even punched my jaw and they kicked me too."
"Do you know them?" I could feel the worry in her voice.
"They work in the club too. Before I passed out, they did say some things to me and it sounded like they were jealous. Really jealous!"
"Why didn't you tell Noah this?"
"I was too weak to talk!" I replied honestly.

"Should I tell him?"
"Not yet. When I get better I'll do that. Besides I want to hurt them back my own way. Thanks Ciara for finding me!"

"That's no problem. You just didn't return back on time and it made me worry so I told Nathan about it and we went out to look for you.

Just to find you lying on the streets unconscious.
"That's should be embarrassing! Does the rest of the gang know?"
"Yes! My dad and Dax do know. They made the decision that you stay behind and i stay with you!"

I was beginning to feel quite exhausted."I want to sleep! I'm stressed"
",You should!" She caressed my head softly and I drifted off to sleep.

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