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"Here you go. Be here tomorrow by 7pm sharp and um..." Aliyah's eyes glanced at me from head to toe.
I knew she was gonna say some shits about my dressing.
"Wear this tomorrow. Don't come looking like you're going for a fight" she threw a wrapped cloth at me alongside my pay.
I gave her a slight nod and left the club.

It was late in the night. I couldn't believe I had gotten a job more so, in a club full of drunk loose men.
I didn't plan this.
Then I remembered Carlos. He was looking quite attractive no doubt. It was obvious he was enjoying the life of luxury, wealth, fame and power.

It only triggered my interest in the club more. So if Carlos did come to the club to chill, I would surely be able to get some information up for grabs.
I was quite excited.
I did wish I was able to pull a trigger on his head and blast his brains then go after his father and blast his father's too.

Those morons treated my family like trash.
The street was less busy and the walkway was quite lonely under the cold night.
I held on to the wrapped cloth firmly.

My mind wasn't at ease. I did feel like like I was been followed and It made me turn to check if I was.

I caught sight of two hefty men. They were walking slowly behind me, smoking cigarettes, I did say to keep them warm but I didn't really agree with that.
I hastened my steps out of impulse just to avoid trouble but one thing was for sure if they attack me,I  won't hold  back.

I guess they realized I was tryna dodge them so they hastened their steps too and soon caught up with me.
One held on to my shoulder giving me a broad smile that revealed his disgusting incomplete set of teeth.
The other was trying to see what I held on to tightly which was the cloth Aliyah had given me.

"Baby girl! Let's talk!" The one with the disgusting teeth said and I must confess other than the smell of smoke there was one very irritating one emitting from his mouth at every word he uttered.
"I don't wanna!" I answered trying to move but they didn't let go.
Soon the other one snatched the cloth from me ripping the wrapper.
I was boiling in rage.
"Hey gurl! Don't get angry. Let's play a game. Give me your money and I'll let you go. Simple!" The one with the bad
breath said.

My nose was literally begging for mercy because the smell was as bad as hell.
I threw him a hard punch " Go brush your teeth. Maniac!" I could have sworn that I broke his nose because it began to bleed badly.

They were both quite shocked on how hard my punch was and the damage it caused.
"Give me my clothes and I swear I won't hurt no one!" I was tryna reason with them but the two didn't want to bring down their pride so I beat them up on the walkway of the street.
I took my clothes from them and ran off so they won't follow me again.

I banged my door behind me trying to catch my breath.
Who could have guessed the streets of washington would be this rough.
I didn't expect this from the country's capital.

I went in to check the cloth and I tried it on.
OMG the cloth was quite revealing.
My thighs were so visible and so were my curves.
I couldn't wear this.
I wasn't a slut. Even if I had a mission to accomplish becoming a slut is not part of the plan and I definitely knew men would drool if they see me on this. I would attract all those mother fuckers.


She was a blonde. A pretty blonde. I know I shouldn't but I felt quite uncomfortable with the fact that they were making a mockery of her but I couldn't do anything.
My father would kill me instantly if I even tried to say a word against them.

I sipped my glass of whiskey trying to take my mind of it but their mocking laughter wasn't helping me.
I watched her struggle to break free and then she disappeared through the doors.
"She's obviously new!" I heard my dad utter mockingly.

No one laughed as hard as my uncle did. Uncle Malcom was the one who had held her back. He was the one who tried to tease her causing everyone on the table to laugh except me.

He caused the discomfort on her face.
I wondered who she was and how she could be working in such a place were girls sell their bodies for tips.
I did hope she wasn't one of them because she looked quite innocent and beautiful.

Soon the laughter died. Some of my dad's men took their own sluts to available rooms for the usuals.

I , my uncle and dad were left at the table.
I saw my father's gaze shift to me and he stared at me intensely.
I could feel his eyes boring through me.
"Noah!" His voice was thick and quite fierce and it did make me shriek abt first.
"Why didn't you laugh when others were. You just kept on sipping your drink. Didn't you find the sight amusing?" His left brow went up and I could tell he was suspicious of me already when I haven't even done anything yet.

"I just didn't like it father."
My uncle giggled" So you hated what I did?"
"No Uncle. But I ..." I ran out of words. These two men Mr Carlos and Mr Malcom were surely gonna put words In my mouth so it was better to stay silent.
"Anyways, tomorrow, I want you to go down town. I hear some nasty petty criminals are roaming around. Heard they were sent by Dax. I want you to take care of them Noah."
"Sure!" I answered immediately.

"We should go. I'm tired already." I got on my feet and they both got on theirs too.
I felt a strong pat on my back." Looks like you didn't enjoy today. Don't you get tired of being alone. Hook up with one of these b**ches and get a night of fun" my uncle was a regular. A man who loves Fun and anything under skirt. He had always advised me to let it go and have fun but I can't.

We walked out the club to they packing lot at the back and hopped in to our limousine.

It was quite a cold night and I still couldn't get my mind off her.
I did feel so attracted to her I couldn't get her off my mind at all.


I picked up two of my guns and fixed them in my trouser with my jacket as a covering for it.
One of my father's men followed me.

I parked my bike in a distance with my guard to watch over it while I walked into the secluded zone.
People didn't live here, criminals did.
I had the pictures of the two men I was meant to kill.
I just had to look around carefully and I would definitely find them but then I saw her.

It felt like time had stopped when my eyes glued to her walking towards me.
I couldn't control my body anymore and I felt quite ashamed hoping she didn't notice.

She walked pass me not even sparing me another glance. I turned to look at her and she turned back too causing our eyes to meet.

It was very awkward as I hurriedly shifted my gaze and continued walking.
"She lives here?" I thought. This environment was no place for a lady unless she was one of them.

It was a secluded area with a narrow path. Different buildings where at both sides of the path.
I tried to fix my mind back at the mission I had to accomplish here.

Thinking about her was only drifting my attention and making me wonder who she was and how she lived here.

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