1 (tw/smut)

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''Choke me.'' Harry breathed out, and Louis' hand went from pulling Harry's hair to the base of his neck, pressing his fingers on his Adam's apple. He kept pounding inside Harry, harder and faster than before, his hips snapping.

''I forgot what kind of slut you are.'' Louis groaned in his neck.

''Yeah, that's happens when you don't call for a week, jerk.'' Harry hissed, before throwing his head back, he thought for a second his neck would snap. His mind was blurry, half from the pleasure and half from the lack of oxygen. Louis' body was over him, one hand digging into his hip and the other pressed against his neck tightly.

''I told you I was busy.'' he said, his face tucked in Harry's check.

''Yeah, dick. Now go deeper.'' he ordered and Louis removed his hands and placed them under Harry's thigh, wrapping his legs around Louis' waist, who pushed himself harder into him, making Harry let out a cry.

For a few minutes, all it could be heard was the moans, that escaped Harry's lips, as Louis thrusted into him. Louis was trying to keep quiet. His ears, loving the sound of Harry's moans wanted to hear only that.

''Fuck, I'm close.'' Harry mumbled and was going to stroke his cock, that rested on his tummy, but Louis slapped his hand away.

''You're only gonna cum because of me, princess.'' he groaned and even though, he was tired, he thrusted into Harry faster. Harry came within seconds on their chests, his eyes rolling back and Louis came on his condom, pulling out of Harry, before throwing it on the floor and he panted on Harry chest, who was breathing heavily.

''That was great, but I gotta go.'' Harry said and Louis rolled off him and groaned.

Harry laid there for a few minutes, trying to recollect himself and he got off the bed. Louis smiled, seeing him walk around with his bare ass swinging around.

''You ripped my underwear. You know you have to buy me new ones?'' Harry said, a pair of red lingerie in his hand and a judgmental look on his face and Louis simply smirked, fishing his pants from the floor, where he found a pack of cigarettes and his lighter. He placed a fag on his bottom lip and he lit it up, looking at Harry, who dressed, his skinny jeans sliding on his thick thighs, not even bothering for underwear. He watched him putting on his jacket.

''What are you looking at?'' Harry asked, a playful smile on his lips and walked towards Louis, who was just staring, while sucking at his cig.

''You and what a good fuck you are.'' Louis said and Harry licked his lips. Louis placed his hands on his waist and threw him on the bed with Harry giggling.

''And the best part is that you are mine to fuck. I only fuck you, don't I, Harold?'' Louis growled, sucking on Harry's neck and the green-eyed boy took the fag from his hands and sucked on it, while Louis licked and bit his collarbones.

''Yeah. You are the only one.'' Harry breathed out, closing his eyes.

''Good, princess.'' Louis smirked, getting up, wrapping a sheet around his waist.

''Jerk.'' Harry whispered, getting up.

''Same hour tomorrow?'' Louis asked, a 100 pound bill between his index and middle finger and Harry scoffed, grabbing the bill and opened the door.

''And please wear whatever you buy tomorrow.'' Louis said, spanking Harry's ass, before he heard the younger boy's annoyed groan and left.


''Are you at work?'' Eleanor, Louis' wife, asked through the phone and Louis turned his spinning chair to look at the view of his office.


''And where you were when I called your assistant Abby and she said you weren't here?'' she demanded to know.

''Fucking Harry.''

''You literally go and fuck a slut and you say it straight to my face? At least, have the freaking decency to hide this.'' she snapped at him.

''Eleanor, I want a divorce. Give what I am asking for and I will stop going around fucking people. Well, I won't stop, technically, but you won't have to wonder where I am.'' Louis explained.

''You aren't getting a divorce.'' she said and hang up. Louis groaned and threw his phone across the room.

''Abby!'' he yelled.

A middle-aged woman appeared scared out of her mind and Louis glared at her.

''Abby, did Eleanor call when I wasn't here?'' Louis asked.

''Yes, sir.''

''Why did you tell her?''

''That you weren't here.''

''Next time, you will say that Louis is fucking Harry.'' Louis said and her eyes widened.

''Abby, what will you say?'' he asked, folding his arms.

''That Mr. Tomlinson-''

''No! I said Louis. You will call me Louis from now on. Abby, what will you say?'' he asked again.

''That Louis is fucking Harry.'' she whispered.

''Good. You can go now. Take the rest of the day off.'' he said and she smiled, nodding. Louis turned around again, staring at the view, not even bothering to at the piles of paper on his desk.


Louis was sitting on the enormous dining table, which Louis did not understand its cause, as only two people were eating on it. He looked up to Eleanor, who was glaring at him, arms folded.

''Barbara is expecting us to go to dinner tomorrow.'' she said.

''I'm busy tomorrow.''

''Doing what? Fucking around with your little whore?'' she asked.

''Hey! Keep your mouth shut. We all know, who the whore in here is.'' he yelled, smacking his hand against the table, making Eleanor jump a little.

''I go out and everyone gives me pity eyes!'' she screamed back.

''Divorce me, then!''

''No, I won't give you what you want.'' she yelled.

''No, you just don't give up the money!''

''Well, fuck you Louis.''

''Right back at you, wifey.'' he groaned, rolling his eyes.

And there you have their usual dinner.


Welcome to my fourth fan fic blah blah blah. My name is Eva and my other three fan fics are


-Literature, Songs, Love.

-I want you to want me.


-Skirts and Flirts.

Skirts and Flirts is now finished:)))

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