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''So this is Louis Tomlinson's old bedroom huh?'' Harry said stepping into Louis' childhood room and Louis closed the door behind them, rolling his eyes.

''This is where all the magic happened, yeah.''

''You mean, this is where you masturbated every-'' Harry was cut off by Louis' hand over his mouth and he giggled, licking the older man's palm. Louis made a disgusted face and rubbed his palm against his jeans.

''That too, but more importantly...'' Louis said and opened a drawer, pulling out a book and handed it to Harry. The younger man opened it and started reading and then looked at Louis confused.

''I don't get it. It's just numbers and weird words.''

''I planned my company when I was fourteen years old. These were my first thoughts about my company.'' Louis explained and Harry's eyes widened.

''Woah, that's really impressive, Lou.'' Harry smiled, looking at Louis' old handwriting. It was really impressive, thinking that Louis is literally a billionaire, because of an idea that came to his mind almost fifteen years ago.

''Hey, I am not trying to show off or anything. I am telling you this because I want you to think back to what you wanted to be when you were fourteen. Maybe you should follow that dream, when you were young and carefree and the only thing you cared about was about you being happy.'' Louis said, and Harry set the notebook back on the nightstand.

''Be a baker at day, be batman at night.''

Louis let out a small chuckle and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.

''Then, I think every decision that you are going to make from now on, will be in order to pursue that dream.'' Louis said and Harry's smile grew even bigger.

Louis was so sweet for that and maybe Harry needed this. He needed a friend, who will help him through whatever soul trip he was going through. It was nice that Louis actually cared for Harry other than sex. Harry never had anyone to give him advices other than his family, not friends, nor anyone and it felt good, to be honest.

''Thank you, Lou. For showing me this and for trying to help me, it means a lot.'' Harry mumbled, wrapping his arms around Louis' neck and hugged him.

''No problem, Haz. I just don't like seeing you so upset over this. You'll figure things out, I know you will.'' Louis pulled away, taking his hands in his and gave them a light squeeze. Louis' phone started ringing and he sighed, digging at his pocket and pulled out the device.

''Sorry, I have to answer that.'' he apologized and Harry nodded, opening the door and stepping into the hallway, so he could give Louis some privacy.

''Hi, not sleepy yet?'' Jay asked Harry and the younger boy shook his head.

''No, plus Louis is speaking on the phone about work and I am too bored to listen to whatever he is talking about.'' Harry said, walking down the stairs with Louis' mum and the older woman let out a small chuckle at that.

''My son's business can be really boring. I just pretend to listen when he tells me about it, 'cause I don't understand half the words he is saying.'' Jay said and Harry smiled.

''I try to learn some of those words, in case he asks me one day.''

''I really like you Harry. I mean, I would prefer if you didn't lie about your profession, but I understand.'' Jay said, and warmed to cups of milk in the microwave, as Harry bit at his thumbnail at her words. Oh.

''I'm sorry for lying. I just don't feel comfortable telling people that I am a stripper anymore. I want to change careers, I guess. Sorry.'' Harry mumbled, biting at his lower lip and picked at the tablecloth.

''I think stripping can be fun. You can still wear cute outfits, you know?'' Jay said, and put some cocoa and sugar into the mugs and handed one to Harry, who wrapped his hands around the warm mug and took a small sip.

''Some nights can be fun, but some other are just...weird.'' Harry said, scrunching his nose a bit and Jay nodded.

''I get it. I mean, I don't get understand how it feels like literally, but stripping is a dangerous profession and you're strong for doing it, Harry.'' Jay squeezed his hand and Harry felt a tiny bit better.

When he met Jay for the first time this morning, he told her he was still searching for a job, so how did she know that he lied to her?

''Sorry for asking this, but how did you know I lied?''

''Eleanor called and called you 'little stripper' and when you lie you blush and twist your fingers and you make everything so obvious. You can't lie, dear.'' Jay said and Harry's lips twist up a bit.

''Oh. I didn't realize I did that.''

''Yes, you do that a lot.'' Louis said, standing in the doorway, with his arms folded over his chest. Harry turned his head and stared at the smirking man, who was now in pair of sweatpants and a T-Shirt.

''Louis, please shut your phone off, until Christmas. The twins are complaining a lot about it and you promised me that you wouldn't work.'' Jay said in a stern voice and Louis rolled his eyes.

''They were just a few phone calls. I promise that on Christmas Day my phone will be shut off.''

''Not on Christmas Day. Starting today, don't make me take your phone away.''

Harry smiled, behind his hand at how adorable they both were.

''Whatever, mum. Come on, Harry.'' Louis said, nudging Harry's shoulder and the younger man got up.

''Thank you for the cocoa, Jay. Goodnight.'' Harry smiled and Louis took his hand, leading him upstairs.

Jay took a sip of her drink, smiling at the two men, who were giggling, as they climbed the stairs.

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