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''Mum, I will come visit all the time and you can come see London too soon.'' Harry said, trying to calm his mother down, since she wouldn't let go of him. His mother tightened her grip around him and after a squeeze, she let go.

''Call me every single day. I will come over there if you don't. That's it.'' she warned him and Harry giggled, before hugging his step-dad.

''See you soon, kiddo.'' Robin ruffled his hair and Harry smiled, picking up his suitcase.

''I love you guys, bye.'' he waved, before disappearing towards his gate.


When Harry landed in the airport, he called for a taxi, while he grabbed his luggages. Immediately, he was taken back to his old apartment and smiled at the familiar place. Last week, before Louis left, Harry called his old landlord and asked him if the apartment was still free. Luckily, they hadn't rented it yet and since Harry was apparently a really good renter. Harry flew over the room and for the first time in forever, everything was falling back in the right place. He couldn't wait to move back into his flat and be with his boyfriend, which was Louis!! Harry could literally throw up because of his excitement.

Once he had settled, he immediately ran into the shower, taking his time getting ready. He shaved carefully, conditioned his hair and once he was out the shower, he wrapped his body around a fluffy towel and dried his hair, applying body lotion and oil on his clean-shaved legs. He wanted to look perfect for Louis. Today was Thursday, meaning that Louis was expecting him tomorrow night, but Harry lied, coming a day earlier. He was going to surprise him in his office.


''He's at a meeting right now, but you can wait for him in his office.'' his secretary said and Harry was thankful she remembered him and didn't call for Louis to ruin the surprise. He smiled, thanking her and reminding her that Louis shouldn't know that he was here and immediately headed to Louis' office. He closed the door behind him and he took off his coat, letting it drop on the floor, as he walked towards Louis' desk, running his finger on the mahogany desk and he sat down on Louis' large chair. It was the most comfortable and supportive chair ever. Harry had sat on Louis in this chair more times than he could count. He unbuttoned his shirt and his jeans, only in his panties, as he sat back down comfortably, waiting for his boyfriend.


''You can leave, if you want. See you in the morning.'' Louis smiled at his secretary, as he opened his office door in order to grab his stuff. However, there was a nice sleeping surprise on his chair. His smile even grew wider after seeing his boyfriend. It has only been a few days, but seeing Harry again made his heart flutter. He took off his coat and wrapped it around Harry's almost naked body, before he lifted him up and carried him to his office leather sofa. Harry hummed happily still asleep and wrapped his arms tighter around Louis' coat.

Louis returned back to his office to get a few things sorted and then he would wake Harry up and take him back to his house. Louis was just so unbelievably happy, he just wanted to wake the younger boy up, but he knew that Harry always got tired after his flights, so he didn't wanna bother him and make him feel exhausted.


Harry blinked his eyes opened, as he smelled the cinnamon-y smell of Louis and realized he was currently wrapped around his heavy black coat. He shifted a little confused, since he doesn't really remember how he ended there. He sat up and turned to look at Louis, who was typing away on his laptop. The older man looked up at Harry and smiled at him, when he realized he was awake. Harry stretched his hands out, sitting up and letting his boyfriend's coat fall off his upper body.

''Hi, babe. You were out cold, before I even got to see you. How was your flight?'' Louis asked getting up and he walked towards the green-eyed boy with a grin on his face, as always. Harry rubbed his eyes with the fists of his hands tiredly. He smiled at his boyfriend and Louis bended his knees in front of him, so he was the same height as the younger man. Harry leaned down a bit and captured his lips with Louis'.

''I love you so much.'' he breathed out again his lips and Louis' grin only grew wider at those words.

''Love you too, angel.'' Louis said, kissing him again, ''you should have told me you would get an earlier date, so I could come and pick you up from the airport.'' Louis continued and the younger boy rolled his eyes.

''Then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?'' Harry said and Louis chuckled at his boy.

''Best surprise ever. Now come on, we're gonna get you something to eat and then you're immediately going to bed.'' Louis said, urging the younger man to get up from the couch. The green-eyed boy just pouted at Louis' words.

''I got all dolled up for you.'' Harry said and Louis chuckled, wrapping his hands around Harry's wrists and pulled him up. The younger boy sat up and leaned in to kiss his boyfriend. Louis placed his hands on Harry's bare waist and smiled against his lips.

''And you look stunning, but you're way too tired to even stand up properly.'' Louis reasoned. Harry rolled his eyes once again at how Louis was being and wrapped himself around Louis' coat and smiled at his boyfriend.

''Fine, but you're getting me Mc Donald's.'' he said, stepping out of Louis' office, leaving the older man grab his stuff and leave. Louis chuckled, as he gathered Harry's clothes and followed him.

And if Harry made out with him throughout the elevator ride, nobody had to know.


A/N only an epilogue left

new ff 'say yes to heaven, say yes to me' available now ig

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