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Right now, there are three situations going on around the house.

Let's start from the garden, where Niall and Louis were.

''Okay, I wanna do this quick, 'cause I don't really know you. This is just some basic brother warning shit, yeah?'' Louis said and Niall smiled, cutting him off.

''Yes, fuck, let's do this, man.'' he said, his fist in the air.

''Don't interrupt me.'' Louis said through gritted teeth and Niall's smile faded.

''Sorry.'' he mumbled.

''If you ever, ever, ever hurt my sister, I am gonna make sure you don't graduate, don't ever get a fucking job and make your life a living hell, but first of all, I'm gonna chop your balls off and shove them in your mouth. Are we clear?'' Louis told the man and Niall's eyes widened, but he nodded along to what Louis was saying.

''I promise to you, that I will take care of your sister for as long as she will have me. Or she will care of me, I don't mind, women rule.'' Niall shrugged and Louis clapped him on the back.

''That's what I want to hear. Now, are you into football, Niall?'' Louis asked him.

''Yeah, but only soccer. American football isn't football.'' Niall rolled his eyes and Louis grinned at him.


Let's move to the living room, where Lottie and Harry were talking.

''A stripper? I'm so sorry for acting like this, but I have never met a stripper before! What kind of stuff do you wear? Do you wear eyeliner? I bet you'd look hot in eyeliner.-'' Lottie asked, grabbing Harry's forearm and squeezed it in excitement.

''Sometimes. I wear...well, let's say not church clothes. I don't really like it anymore, though. My New Year's revolution would be to find a good job.'' Harry told her and Lottie nodded.

''Sorry for feeling like this, but how is the pay exactly? Asking for a friend.'' she winked at him and Harry threw his head back laughing.

''I make around one thousand every night and I work three times a week.'' Harry casually replied and Lottie's mouth hang open at his words.

''That's a lot!''

''Depends on what you do, where you work. It's a highly paid job if you're good at it, but it's a crappy one, so stay in school, girlfriend. Much better.'' Harry said and Lottie chuckled.

''Lottie, why were you keeping Niall away from us this whole time? Especially when he is a Man U fan!'' Louis said, walking in along with Niall, an arm wrapped around the Irish man's shoulders. He sat next to Harry and Niall sat next to his girlfriend.

''I did not know you were a fan of Manchester United.'' Lottie said and Louis gasped at her.

''What? Rule number one before dating someone is to ask them what their favorite team is.'' Louis told her and she rolled her eyes.

''Well, that's just the stupidest thing you have ever said.'' Harry huffed.

''Excuse me, young Harold, my methods work.'' Louis replied.

''Oh really? What's Eleanors favorite team?''

''Manchester United, but we did get married, so my methods work.''

''And we all see how that ended!'' Lottie cut him off.

''Okay Harry, what is your favorite team?'' Louis asked him.

''I don't like football.'' the green-eyed man replied.

''What? How can you not like football? Everyone loves football. You are so lying!'' Louis said shocked.

''No, I just find it extremely boring. Why would anyone like some men kicking a ball around? Sure, some of them are hot, but it's always the ugly ones that get more screen time, so why even bother?'' Harry simply shrugged and Louis' eyes widened.

''You only watch football for the hot guys?'' he asked dumbfounded.

''No, I don't even watch it for the hot dudes anymore. It's too boring.''

''We're watching every Man U game that has been played this year, right now. Everybody shut the fuck up.'' Louis set, getting up to grab the TV control and sat back down, searching for the football channel and both Harry and Lottie started whining and groaning, pretending they were vomiting, their bodies, sliding down the couch.


However, Jay got a very interesting phone call in the kitchen.

Let's listen.

''Tell your cheating bastard of a son to call me right now.'' Eleanor yelled over the phone and Jay made a face at her high-pitched voice.

''Eleanor, darling, here's the deal. It's Christmas time and you can go do whatever the fuck you want with my son's money, but I will not allow you to disturb me and my family with your shitty manners and annoying voice, you hear me?'' Jay said.

''Aren't you pissed Jay? That your own brought his little stripper at your family gathering and he is a cheating piece of garbage like his little daddy? Like father, like son, I guess.'' the young woman said from the other line and Louis' mum gritted her teeth, clenching tighter at the phone.

How dare she compare her own son to that pathetic excuse of a man?

''Don't you dare talk about my son like that. Don't you have some of his money to spend, little gold digger?'' Jay snapped, a small smirk on her face.

''You know what, Jay? Go live your little, pathetic life, with your shitty, rude, spoiled children and at least, I get my designer clothing without busting my ass, as a nurse. So, at the end of the day, maybe I am the winner.'' Eleanor said and hung up, as Jay simply glared at the phone.

She walked back to the living room, ready to inform her son that his shitty, trophy wife had requested that he would call her back, but she stopped when she stood behind the couch, where Harry and Louis sitting on it together. Louis had his arms wrapped around the younger boy and Harry had his legs thrown over Louis' thighs, his head leaning on Louis' shoulder, as they were watching a football game, that Harry didn't seem to care about at all. However, he sat there, trying to watch as carefully as he could for her son.


A/N only reason im updating is bc harry is smashing it at the brits and I am literally screaming. Thank you so much for you lovely comments about updates, it really is a motivation and thank you even more for 3k! I love you<3

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