6 (tw/smut)

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*1 week later*

''What did she do again?'' Harry asked, crawling on the bed behind Louis.

''She exists and that's enough.'' Louis mumbled, tiredly, loosening up his tie.

Harry had kneeled behind him on the bed, not being able to see his face but he could sense the furrowed eyebrows and the frown on his thin lips, without having to look at him.

''You can tell me. I know we've agreed this whole not talking about personal things, but I promise I won't tell.'' Harry said, sincerely. Louis can tell by the tone in his voice and sighs.

''I'd rather know one person that doesn't know how shit my marriage is.'' Louis jokes.

''Well, assuming that you are at a hotel with a stripper, I am guessing your marriage isn't really ideal.'' Harry says, placing his warm palms on Louis' clothed with a thin shirt, shoulders. Louis could sense the heat wrapping his whole body, making him feel much better.

''I don't get off on you, 'cause you're a stripper. You know that, right? You could be a priest, it would be the same.'' Louis murmured and Harry let out a chuckle.

''I'd be a hot priest.''

''A sin.'' Louis mumbled, forgetting for a second about his problems.

''You seem tired today.'' Harry started rubbing circles, feeling his tense muscles relaxing.

''Mhm. I have so much work and then my shitty marriage is just too much.'' Louis hummed at Harry's delicate fingers pressing against his tight shoulders.

''I know this will sound stupid, but why can't you divorce?'' he asked, massaging his back.

''Money. Eleanor thinks fifty millions aren't enough.'' he simply states.

''Damn, that's a lot.'' Harry mumbled under his breath.

''She wasn't always like this, you know. She changed. I wasn't always rich, met her in college, I studied economics and business management, she studied physics. Fell in love with her, I guess. I don't know. I knew I could stay loyal to her and be with her with no problems. Seemed enough. Wasn't enough for her, though. She cheated on me because I was never there. Of course, I couldn't be attached to her twenty four seven when I promised to myself that I was gonna make it big. I couldn't be there all the time and it's okay. It never really hurt me, though. I think that was the thing that actually hurt. Her cheating didn't hurt me. It felt like I expected it, you know? Like it was a matter of time and I was slowly counting down the minutes.'' he explained and Harry listened, humming at the right times.

''So, you filed for a divorce, I'm guessing.''

''Yeah, about two years ago. I can't find a way to not be attached to her anymore. She won't sign.''

''Give her more money.'' Harry suggested.

''This is principles, Harry. She wasted seven years of my life and wants more than fifty million? That's enough money to last her whole ass life. She does this on purpose. She wants the status, the money, everything. I'm not giving her any more. I don't care, whatever she does.''

''So, you'd rather feel trapped in a marriage instead of giving her a few more millions? Aren't you a billionaire?'' he asks removing his hands from Louis.

''Still, she ruined my marriage, my life. I won't give her shit.'' he snapped at him, getting up and looked at him, furious.

''Then why are you always complaining about her?'' he hissed back.

''You told me to tell you! Fuck you, Harry.'' he spat.

''You are an idiot. You have a way out and you don't take it because it will cost you a few more money!'' Harry said and Louis looks absolutely furious at the younger man, who had the nerve to judge his choices.

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