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When Harry woke up the next morning, his head was feeling heavy, as if he was hangover and whimpered, placing his palm against his forehead. He got up, feeling a bit dizzy and tried to go to the bathroom, when Louis emerged in the room.

''How are you feeling?''

''Like dying.'' Harry groaned.

''I figured.'' Louis said and handed the younger man the mug he was holding.

''What's this?'' he asked, sniffing it. Smelled kinda fruity.

''Tea. There is also breakfast in the kitchen. It's not really your usual tea, but that's all they had, sorry.''

Harry took a sip and sighed content at the warm liquid, which tasted great actually. He smiled at Louis and pecked at his lips. Louis grinned at the younger man and rubbed at his back, cautiously. He gently led Harry back to bed, but the green-eyed man started whining and protesting.

''No, Lou! We have to go see The Eiffel Tower!'' he cried out.

''You're tired and we have all the time to go and see everything here in Paris. We can go have a nice dinner out, if you want though.'' Louis offered and Harry grinned at the prospect of them going out tonight.

''Yeah, okay. I guess some sleep wouldn't hurt.'' he mumbled tired, taking another sip of his drink, as he slipped into the warm covers again and Louis took the mug, kissing the top of his head and closing the door behind him.


''Harry, come on. We're gonna be late.'' Louis said, fixing his tie and Harry came out of the bathroom, running a hand through his hair. He tried fixing his curls a bit and looked at himself in the mirror.

Harry was wearing a satin blue dress shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. Louis had put on a simple black suit and a white shirt with a tie. Louis huffed and pouted at Harry, because he couldn't wear that tie for the life of him.

''This is a new tie and I can't fucking wear it. What the hell is going on?'' he whined and the younger boy chuckled, walking towards the man and helped him put it on. He fixed Louis' collar and smiled when he was ready.

''All ready.'' he patted Louis' shoulders. The older man thanked him and pecked him on the lips.

''Thank you, love. So, are you excited to see Paris at night?'' he asked, smirking and Harry literally beamed.

''Yeah. Paris is so pretty at night, I've seen all of those pictures about The Eiffel Tower at night and it's literally glowing. Ah!'' Harry beamed at him and Louis smiled.

''Okay, okay. We can go.'' Louis said and wrapped an arm around Harry's, leading him outside.


''Fuck, this tastes good.'' Harry moaned around the fork, as he got a taste of the steak he had ordered.

''French food is always so much better.'' Louis agreed.

''Better than mine?'' Harry raised an eyebrow and Louis' eyes widened at the thought of offending Harry. The younger man chuckled at Louis' face.

''I'm kidding. This kicks my cooking in the arse.'' he said, pointing at his plate and Louis smiled.

''I think I like yours better. More home-y, you know?'' he told him and Harry's grin only grew wider, trying to hide the blush that was creeping on his cheeks.


''It's more beautiful, when you are actually here.'' Harry beamed, looking at the Eiffel Tower, that was quite far away, but you could still see it shining brightly. Louis squeezed their laced hands in agreement and smiled at the younger man, who was looking at the sight, like a child at Christmas.

''Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen it so near me, to be honest.'' Louis told him and Harry gasped.

''I thought you've said you've been here before?''

''Yeah, but I was on meetings and stuff. By the time I was done, I would immediately go to sleep. I am much of a tourist at Paris, as you are.'' Louis shrugged.

''I could never work so long hours, especially if I had the chance to travel all around the world. I mean, you've been everywhere, but at the same time, it's like you've been nowhere.'' Harry says and Louis chuckles.

''I suppose you could say that.'' he agreed at what the younger man said.

''However, I am very happy that I can be here now. With you. Just me and you here being normal people. I haven't been or felt like a normal person in so many years and it feels good to actually be outside without having to make a deal or work or get spotted by paps.'' Louis continued and Harry looked at him confused.

''Wait, how haven't we gotten papped yet? I mean, when you were at meetings and stuff you were at the business shows on the TV all the time.'' Harry said.

''Yeah, in the business world you have to have publicity and I am not an actor or a singer, so I had to plan paparazzi in order to have publicity every time I wanted to launch something new into the market...but wait, how did you know about the business shows? Harold...did you stalk me on TV?'' Louis smirked and Harry groaned, rolling his eyes, but his cheeks turned crimson. Louis stopped at his tracks and placed his other hand on Harry's waist, pulling him closer and the older man kissed him softly, squeezing his skin a bit.

''My little stalker.'' he said, pecking at the younger man's lips again.

''I just happened to turn on the TV and you were there.'' Harry defended himself and Louis chuckled.

''Yeah, whatever.''

Harry slammed his lips against Louis' in order to shut him up.

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