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Tw/ mild smut

''You wanted to see me?'' Harry asked, peaking his head inside Louis' office and the older man looked up from his computer, biting on his thumb nervously.

''Yeah. Sit.'' he got up, pointing a chair for Harry to see. The younger man crossed the office and sat down, looking at the other man confused. Louis had left a voicemail at 6AM this morning, telling Harry to come down to his office, once he heard it.

''So, what was so important you had to leave a voicemail so early?"

''I thought of a way to get divorced. And you have to be part of the plan I thought.''

''Uh-oh.'' Harry mumbled under his breath. This wasn't going to end well.

''Don't be dramatic. It's a good idea, but it's going to be messy. Look, all you have to do is move in with me.'' Louis said and Harry choked on his spit, coughing loudly.

''Are you crazy?''

''You will have the place all to yourself, your own room, your own pool, if you want.''

''No! You must be a fucking lunatic. You want the stripper you are sleeping with to move in to the house, where your wife lives? No way. I don't owe you anything.''

''I know, I know. This is too much to ask, but I can pay you.'' Louis offered the younger man, who gasped.

''I am not your whore! I am not doing this!''

''I can find someone else to do it.''

''You do that. I am not going to move in with your wife. She's going to kill me!''

''She wouldn't try anything. It will drive her crazy. She wouldn't last a week, having you walking around.'' Louis said, pursing his lips.

''Why would I do that for you Louis? I do not owe you shit. We only sleep together and that's it.'' Harry told him loudly, getting up.

''I will give you whatever the fuck you want. I don't care. I could bring a stripper in my house or a whore or anyone and she wouldn't care. But she knows you. She's heard your name. She will care so fucking much. She will be furious!''


''Harry, I've been trying and trying to get out of that shitty marriage and it's almost breaking me. I want to break her first. Once she is gone, you can have anything you want from me. Anything. Please.'' Louis literally begged the younger man, who was biting his lower lip.

''Louis, this is crazy-''

''I know! But so am I! And so is she! And I need someone who is not crazy to get me out of this!'' Louis yelled at him.

''You really hate her, don't you?''

''I really fucking do. Everyone is like 'you are such a cute couple' and I am so fucking miserable. One week. That is all I am asking from you. One week and then you will never see me again. I promise you and I always keep my promises. I hate to ask this from you, Harry. It's weird and fucked up and it breaks so many of our rules. It's my only way out, though and if I have to endure one more year with her, I will go insane.''

''One week.'' Harry said and Louis' eyes widened.

''You'll do it?''

''Yeah. One week, though and I will keep working and live my life normally. Are we clear?'' Harry asked and Louis nodded, immediately. He wrapped his arms around the younger man and crashed their bodies together. Harry froze in Louis' arms. They had never hugged again. Ever, ever, ever. It always had sexual intentions behind. At this point, Harry begged God silently for Louis to grab his ass or do whatever sexual thing on him.

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