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''Good morning, Eleanor. How are you today?'' the young man asked, as he stepped into the yoga studio, barefoot and spread his yoga mattress on the floor.

''I'm fine, Harry.'' she smiled and Harry sat Indian-Style, waiting for the lesson to begin. He was wearing his short tight shorts and a T-Shirt.

''How did you spend your weekend?'' he asked Eleanor.

She was a nice woman, Harry thinks. Well, he only makes small talk with her for a couple of minutes every weeks, but that's it. She has been married for a few years to a guy she met in college, but Harry did not know any further detail or if she had shared some more information about her spouse, he had probably forgotten. Oops.

Harry put his hair in a messy bun, running his tongue over his lower lip, and replied.

''It was relaxing. I cleaned my house, did some gardening. That's it, basically. How about you?'' Harry shrugged and the woman, nodded smiling.

''Went out shopping and went to a gala.''

''Oh, fancy.'' Harry smiled, just in time their yoga teacher entered.


''See you next time, guys.'' Lora, their yoga teacher smile and waved friendly.

''Goodbye.'' Harry said, stepping out of the studio with Eleanor, who got into a fancy car, before saying goodbye at him.

''Well, well, well, really romantic to come all the way from your office to pick me up. You're cute.'' Eleanor rolled her, once she shut the door and looked at Louis, who was typing away on his laptop.

''Yeah, sorry, I have a meeting at the hotel down the street, so I told Milo to drop me off here. Didn't know you did yoga.'' he smiled at her, before shutting his laptop and put it back in his bag, Milo opening the door for him.

''See you.'' he told Eleanor, exiting the car and took out his phone.


''How was Spain?'' Harry asked, once Louis got into the hotel room.

''Where you in the shower?'' he asked and the younger man hummed.

''I was working out, so...'' he shrugged and Louis nodded, untying his tie, sighing.

''You look tired.'' Harry commented.

''Jet lagged.'' Louis mumbled. sitting down on the bed.

''We do not have to meet every single time, if you are tired. It's not like we have to fuck.'' Harry frowned at Louis' tiredness and got dressed into his boxers, letting the towel fall from his hips. Louis had his back turned on him.

''I don't know if this is weird, but I feel like fucking you is the only stable thing in my life, right now.'' Louis said and Harry crawled to the edge of the bed behind Louis. He placed his hands on the older man's shoulders, squeezing them gently.

''What's going on?'' Harry asked, taking Louis' blazer off and let it drop on the floor.

''My company in Spain is absolute shit, so I have to go there for at least a month and just...fix everything.'' Louis sighed.

''When?'' Harry asked a small pout on his face.

''In a couple of weeks, at least.''

''Oh. So, I will not see you for a few weeks, huh?'' he asked with a small smile.

''I guess not. Surprisingly, I will kind of miss this. It was fun.''

''Jesus. You make it sound like we will not see each other again. Spain can be fun, though. I've never been there but I've heard what great things you can go and see or do. There is also great food. You will be staying there long enough, so you can do all of those things, anyway.'' Harry shrugged, massaging his shoulders lightly.

''Have you been to Spain?'' Louis asked him.

''No, just heard a lot of fun things about it.''

''Come with me. I won't have time to go and see all of those things, but you can.'' Louis offered and Harry's jaw dropped to the floor. He removed his hands from Louis' shoulders and turned to look at him.

''You are kidding.'' he breathed out and Louis shook his head.

''Look, I will be at the offices there all the time, to be honest. You can just go sightseeing or whatever else you want to do. I don't mind.'' Louis told him and Harry got up quickly, standing in front of him.

''No, no, no. We don't do this. We don't go to cute little trips. What the fuck, Louis?'' he asked him.

''You're so overreacting. I just suggested that you can go and spend a fucking month at a luxury fucking hotel in fucking Spain and do whatever the fuck you want! I will probably not even freaking see you at all! You know what Harry? Sometimes, you act like all I do is stuff a cock in your ass-''

''Cause that all you do for me! We are not supposed to go to Spain or even spend fucking time together!'' Harry yelled at him and Louis gasped.

''When we were stuck in that hotel, you insisted on all of those things. Bloody hypocrite, that's what you are. Be fucking grateful for once! I invite you to fucking Spain to do whatever you want and you think that I am secretly in love with you. I don't fucking love you, Harry, but you are a part of my life. I don't hate you, and I don't love you. We're just...friends.''

''Oh, no. Friends is the only thing we aren't, 'cause I could never be friends with someone like you. You are so fucking selfish, pretentious, and a lame-ass cheater.''

''You know what? Fuck off. I can't-'' Louis sighed, running a hand over his face and got up, grabbing his jacket.

''Where the fuck are you going?'' Harry hissed at him.

''I don't want to even fucking look at you!''

''Why? Because I'm telling you the truth? We will never be fucking friends. We just fuck, Louis! I didn't think you would be such a fucking leech.''

Louis was furious at the younger man. It's not like him and Harry were best friends or fucking in love, but did Harry hate him so much, he only wanted him for his cock? How could Harry be so cruel when he knew what Louis was going through with the ice queen of a wife he has?

''You are such an arsehole, Harry. Sorry, that I suggested that you took a vacation and you freaked out. Jesus fucking Christ Harry, how could you be such a jerk? Unsensitive asshole.'' Louis mumbled and slammed the door behind him, leaving the younger man looking at the shut door completely dumbfounded.

What the fuck did just happen?

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