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''Holmes Chapel, Cheshire.'' Niall said and Louis nodded, his eyes widened.

''I didnt think you would tell me.'' he said surprised and the Irish man shrugged.

''I wasn't really supposed to since Lottie advised me against it, but I have a strong feeling that you two will end up together. Don't tell Lottie and this is his address, he lives with his parents and this is his work address.'' Niall wrote them on the napkin and he folded it carefully, handing it to Louis. The older man placed it inside his pocket, as his sister came back from the bathroom, sitting next to her boyfriend.

''Oh my God.'' she mumbled as she sat down. The two men looked at her confused at how shocked she looked and her face broke into a smile, before she let out s surprised laugh.

''What?'' Niall asked, shaking her a bit.

''I just got a call and I've been accepted to my internship, oh my fucking God.'' she said, shocked and Niall immediately got up to hug her.

''That's so great, Lots.'' Louis said, hugging her tightly.


Louis unlocked the door and placed his keys on the table next to it. He took off his shoes and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water for himself. He poured a glass of water and leaned in the counter, staring at his living room. There were still a lot of unopened box from moving to his new house, but he would get them done later. (He has been saying that for a week now.)

He put his hand in his pocket, pulling the piece of napkin with the addresses on it and debated on what to do with it. He wanted to see Harry again so badly and now that the divorce was finally officially out, so he could do everything all over again and this time it would be right.

These past couple of months, he realized all of the mistakes he had made and how unfairly he had treated the younger man, especially considering that he was the one who dragged him into that mess. Harry was only twenty-four and since Louis was now thirty, he should have known better than planning that fucked up plan, that went to total shit. What the fuck was he even thinking? What kind of shit went through his head, when he decided that this would a good idea? Dragging an innocent person in his mess, as if he couldn't just fight Eleanor in court or give her what she wanted.

He had two options right now. He could either forget about that little piece of paper and move on with his life, leaving Harry at peace. Or he could fly over there and beg for Harry's forgiveness. Harry probably wouldn't even want to see him after everything.

Louis wanted to see Harry again and even if they younger boy wouldn't take him back, he needed to let Harry know how sorry he was. He wanted to let him know that he actually loved (still loves) him and he wishes things had been different. In a perfect world, where Louis wouldn't be married or an asshole and him and Harry could actually be something more than whatever they fuck they were and what they are now. Strangers. Not even strangers at this point. Harry had to get away from him in the middle of the night without saying a world. That was so much worse than just strangers.

Louis shook his head, sighing and he set his water down, before he walked over to the living room and grabbed his laptop. He googled the fastest way to get to Cheshire and scrolled down to check any dates that he could grab tickets for.


''Have a lovely day!'' Harry wished the woman, handing her a coffee and she smiled at him. Harry got wiped his hands on his apron, before going in the back to take the cookies out of the oven.

''Harry, darling, it's lunch time. Go take a break, I've got this.'' Barbara, his employer told him and he shook his head.

''No, I am fine. Here, try this.'' he said, holding out a cookie for her and she smiled, accepting it. She took a bite and her smile grew wider at the taste.

''This is actually really good! Not gonna lie, at first, I just thought it would be well, not good, since this is your first time and all, but these are literally so good! They need to be a bit more chewy but we can work with this. Congrats!" she told him and Harry's face broke into a smile. He was so happy Barbara liked his cookies, 'cause this was his first time, making something for work. It felt weird actually making bread and stuff, but it was just so fun, seeing people happy with the pastries and he felt as if he was contributing to their smiles. And now that he would be making sweets and pastries too, things would be so much better.

However, all he could think about was how Louis was the one who told him to do this. Louis was the reason he started talking to his family again and the person, who gave him enough courage to quit.

The last few weeks were great, though and job was going well, so he wasn't really complaining. He just wished he could see Louis once more, just to make sure he was alright. Lottie sounded really uptight on the phone and careful not to tell Harry anything about Louis. He knew she meant well. She just wanted both of them to have their space and since Harry was the one, who took off like that, he did have to face the consequences.


A/N thank you for 20k. next chap will be INTERESTING. Love you!

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