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*1 week later*

Harry put his hair up in a bun and washed his hands, before carefully slipping his gloves back on. He headed back in the kitchen and smiled at his co-worker, Lisa, as he continued mixing the flour with the rest of the ingredients. He poured the batter into the forms and he was ready to put them in the oven, when Barbara interrupted him.

''Harry, there is someone, who wants to see you. He says it's urgent.'' she told him and Harry furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He doesn't really remember having anyone to meet him here or a lot of people knowing where he actually is. Maybe it's Niall? Probably not. He wiped his hands on the apron and followed Barbara back in the counter area and outside the kitchen, where people were enjoying their coffee and others were browsing the displays.

''Louis.'' Harry acknowledged him and the man raised his eyes to meet Harry's and he pressed his lips into a thin line. Harry was shocked, not expecting the older man to show up here. In fact, he didn't even expect him to come all the way from London. What the hell was he doing here anyways?

''Harry, hi.'' was all he said and he could feel Barbara leaving his side, returning to the back. Harry felt the air leaving his lungs at the sight of Louis there. It was just so unexpected. How did he know he was here?

''Can I talk to you for a minute?'' he asked him and Harry looked at the clock. It was just half an hour, before the bakery-café would close for the night and his shift would be done.

''We close at 9PM and my shift is over then. I have to close tonight and I can't just leave, sorry. I can bring you something, if you want, though.'' Harry told him awkwardly and Louis shook his head.

''Nah, it's okay. It's only half an hour. I can wait outside.'' Louis said and Harry nodded, not really knowing what to say, 'cause he was still shocked by the sudden arrival. So, Louis walked out of the store and Harry turned confused in order to get back to his work.

He couldn't though. His mind was racing a million miles an hour at the sudden appearance and he hated that he didn't know what Louis wanted. He was scared that it would be something really important. But if it was something that bad, Louis wouldn't just wait outside. That was a thought that calmed Harry down.


After everyone had left, Harry was left alone to close, so he opened the front door and saw that Louis was outside, pacing anxiously on the sidewalk, as he was taking a deep drag of his cigarette. Harry cleared his throat to gain his attention and Louis turned around blowing the smoke and stepped on the cigarette, before following him inside.

''Hi.'' Harry said, as he closed the door behind them and Louis nodded, running his tongue over his bottom lips, while eyeing the younger boy up and down. Harry let his hair fall loosely on his shoulders, and run his hands through it a couple of times, his cheeks heating up. He had forgotten how intense Louis' stares could be. He forgot how Louis was, to be honest. It's only been a little over a month, but it felt like he hadn't seen Louis in way longer. He had missed him and the way he looked at him, the way he talked to him, the way he smelled, the way he tasted. Everything, in general. Louis' eyes then looked around at the area, where now only empty plates and cups from all the people that were enjoying their time earlier.

''You really did it, didn't you?'' Louis asked, looking around.

''What?'' Harry whispered.

''You really just quit and worked in a bakery. Woah.'' Louis said, his eyes focusing on Harry again.

''Oh, um...I know. It was kind of spontaneous.'' Harry said, scratching his bicep awkwardly, keeping his arms close to him.

''Was spontaneous also taking off like that?'' Louis snapped, bitterly, before he could stop himself and both of their eyes widened, as Harry's throat went dry. All the time Louis was here, it felt like they weren't talking about that. But apparently they were.

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