48 (tw/smut)

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After Harry had finished tidying up in the bakery and his job for tonight was done, he locked the outside door, with Louis behind him, waiting patiently for them to be alone again.

''I'm done. Finally.'' Harry smiled, turning around and the older man placed his hand against Harry's waist, as he captured the younger boy's lips with his and Harry hummed in the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Louis' neck, pulling him closer. Harry smiled against Louis' lips, before planting a couple of pecks and pulled away a bit with their nose touching.

''It feels so weird, that you are actually here.'' Harry whispered and Louis smiled at the younger boy.

''I'm glad I came. After Lottie said you were doing good, I thought that it would be a bad idea for me to come here and upset you again.'' Louis told him.

''Then what made you come here?'' Harry asked.

''I just had to see you. After the divorce, the new house and everything, my life has really been on track for a while now and I wanted to be with you more than anything. The divorce came out only two weeks ago, but my marriage had been over for years. I am ready to give myself to you completely and be whatever the hell you want and need me to be.'' Louis told him and Harry hugged him tighter this time, as if he wanted to make sure Louis was actually there with him.

''I'm glad you came back for me. I thought you would just hate my guts or you wouldn't even care.'' Harry said.

''How could I not care? I thought my crush on you was too obvious and besides, you were my friend. Even if I wasn't in love with you, I would have still tried finding you because you are my friend.'' Louis said and Harry looked at the older man, before pressing him lips lightly against his, still having his arms around Louis and the blue-eyed man smiled into the kiss, pulling him even closer by the waist. Harry sighed content in the kiss and his hands moved on Louis' shoulder, cradling his neck.

Harry finally pulled away in need for air, and Louis smiled, making at his lips again, making the younger boy smile.

He couldn't believe Harry was there in his arms again. Coming all the way to Cheshire, he didn't really think that he would even find Harry in the first place. He thought that Niall lied to him in order for him to finally stop asking them about Harry or that Harry had disappeared again in the first place and had given them the wrong information. However, there he was in his arms, feeling the warmth of his body all over again. The feeling was so overwhelming. Seeing everything wide open for them and realizing that they could be together whenever, wherever and however they wanted. Louis would be free to fully commit to Harry and fucking be with him. Finally. After all that longing, the miscommunication, the lies, the cheating, the hurt, everything feel into place. Everything was calm again and he could finally be free to love whoever he wanted without feeling that weight on his chest on that lump in his throat.

''I have trouble believing you are actually here with me.'' Harry whispered against his lips, kissing him again. This felt so fucking surreal.

''I'll be here for as long as you want me.'' Louis said, capturing his lips with Harry's.


Louis placed the card against the door to unlock it and pushed it open, pulling Harry along with him. The younger boy tried to take Louis' coat off and Louis sneaked his hands under Harry's shirt and the younger boy out a small moan against Louis' lips. Harry jumped on Louis, wrapping his legs around the older man's waist and Louis almost lost his balance at the sudden weight. He took a few steps back, as he tried supporting himself and Harry chuckled against his lips.

''Oops. Sorry.'' he mumbled.

''It's okay.'' Louis said, as he carried him to the bed and let Harry fall on it. Harry laughed a little, pulling Louis down with him. Louis smiled, kissing the younger boy again and his hands started unbuttoning Harry's jeans. He pushed his jeans down to his thighs and then gave up, climbing off Harry with a groan.

''Why are your fucking jeans so tight?'' he asked and the younger boy rolled his eyes, getting up and he stepped out of them, kicking off his boots and he unbuttoned his shirt too, so now he was just in his boxers.

Louis rolled his hips up, in order to get his pants off too and he connected his and Harry's mouths again, pulling the younger boy back to bed. Harry dug the heels of his feet on the mattress, until his back hit the headboard. He had his hand behind Louis' neck, and the older man found his way between Harry's legs, as he dipped forward to kiss his lips. His hands were placed on Harry's thighs, pressing softly and Harry moaned in Louis' mouth, when the older man pinched them slightly.

''What do you want?'' he whispered against Harry's lips and the younger boy whined a bit.

''Everything; anything you want.'' he mumbled against Louis' mouth and the older man smiled, before wrapping his fingertips around the waistband of Harry's boxers. He pulled them down, slowly, letting Harry's leaking cock sprung free, against his stomach.

''You're literally so beautiful.'' he said, as he kissed Harry's neck, behind his ear and Harry hummed, as the younger boy, squeezed Louis' waist. The blue-eyed man kissed down his chest and dragged his tongue down Harry's tummy and placed his hands under his thighs, pushing his legs up a bit. Harry focused his eyes on Louis, panting lightly and Louis bit down his soft, milky thighs, as Harry whined a bit at the contact.

''Shit. This feels so oh-.'' Harry threw his head back, as Louis separated his cheeks, licking inside of him. Harry arched his back, as he gripped onto the seats, letting out a loud moan. The older man smirked, as he gripped tightly onto Harry's thighs and licked deeper into the younger man. Louis made his tongue pointy, as he fucked his tongue into Harry's puckered hole. Harry buried his fingers in Louis' hair, as his upper body jolted up when Louis continued fucking into him.

''Lou, I don't-ah- shit.'' Harry cried out, supporting his body up, by gripping the sheets even tighter. Harry's face scrunched up a bit, as Louis pulled away and smiled at the younger boy. Harry whined at the loss of Louis' mouth and the older man smirked, before kissing him again.

''I have something better, babe.'' he wiggled his eyebrows and Harry rolled his eyes, pulling him even closer and pressed his lips against Louis' to shut his goofy mouth.


A/N I didn't have time to write proper smut. I promised next time you will get mooore.

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