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a/n i just uploaded a chapter of my new fan fiction 'heaven is a place on earth with you', if you wanna check it out. thank you on all of the views and the votes. love you!!

Harry blinked his eyes open, an arm wrapped around his waist and Louis hot breath on the back of his neck. He waited a few moments to push off his sleepiness, before wrapping a hand around his wrist, lifting his arm up, so he could get up. The older man hummed in his sleep, moving a bit, but did not wake up fully.

Harry tip toed to the bathroom, leaving the door just a crack open and turned on the water to fill the bathtub and have a bath.

Louis opened his eyes and rubbed them with the heels of his hands, as he yawned, sitting himself up. The sheets next to him were still warm, even though there was no Harry beside him. He heard the water and looked at the half-closed bathroom door. He could see the back of Harry's body, sitting at the edge of the bathtub and had his hands in his hair, trying to pull them in a bun and smiled fondly at the boy.

And then his mind trailed back to last night. How Harry had mumbled against his lips how not in love with Louis he was and all he could think about was how much he actually fucking loved the man. Harry changed his whole perspective on love and marriage and Louis wasn't even supposed to fall in love him.

He could definitely get used to this. Them being together, away from everyone and everything, holed up in a simple apartment somewhere in the world, and it was bad. Louis shouldn't feel this way. But being the selfish motherfucker he is, he tried showing Harry that he could love him by treating him the best he could, by giving him everything he could, to make Harry realize that Louis was feeling way more for the boy. But there's always a fucking but and Harry doesn't see him as anything other than a friend. He knows they fuck and kiss and that should be enough but even though it feels like they are something more, like they aren't just friends who kiss and fuck. However, he needs someone to confirm that he is not crazy and imagining things and that Harry actually feels something more.

Harry buried himself in the warm water and hummed content at the feeling of the water surrounding him like a warm hug.

Now all Louis could see was a mop of wild curls smiled at the cute sight in front of him. He let out a small chuckle and Harry turned his head to look at where the sound came from and rolled his eyes, throwing his head back.

''Stop being a creep!'' he said, turning on his belly, to get a better look at Louis and leaned in to open the door more, so he could get a better look at the man.

''I am not being a creep. I just woke up and saw you butt naked, having a bath.''

''Still a creep.'' Harry said, flipping him off, but a grin was plastered on his face. Louis let out another laugh at the younger man and rolled off the bed, naked and stretched out. He scratched his belly lazily and noticed that Harry was staring at him. He pretended covering his body with his hands, pulling a fake shocked face.

''Who's the creep now?'' he said, mocking Harry's tone.

''Oh, fuck off.'' Harry groaned, turning back to his normal position, so he was not facing Louis. The older man got quickly dressed in a clean pair of boxers and a simple T-Shirt and sweats. He headed to the kitchen to try and make some tea for him and Harry.


''So, where do you wanna go today?'' Louis said, opening the newspaper, a cup of tea in front of him and one waiting for Harry. The boy was wearing a soft, cotton candy T-Shirt and sweats. His hair was wrapped in a pink towel and he sat opposite of Louis.

''Oh, I didn't know they had English newspapers here. That's cool.'' Harry said and Louis hummed in agreement.

''Yeah, they had it at a store a couple of blocks from here. Do you want any sections?'' he asked, gesturing the paper towards Harry.

''Arts, please.'' Harry said and Louis hummed, handing that part of the paper to the younger boy and Harry smiled, accepting it.

''You didn't answer my question.'' Louis said and Harry looked at him confused.

''Oh yeah, sorry. I don't mind. We can do whatever you want.'' he smiled, taking a sip of his tea.

''I was thinking maybe I could get us a reservation at the second floor of the Eiffel Tower in a couple of days, where they have a restaurant, so we can see it then. So, we can just go out and explore Paris, if you want.'' Louis said and Harry beamed at the offer.

''Oh, that sounds lovely. I love it. I'm gonna go get ready!'' Harry said, jumping from his seat to go back to the bedroom, so he could change.

''There is no need to rush, love. Besides, I want to take a shower, before we go.'' Louis reminds him, but the boy is already running towards the bedroom. Louis shook his head, a fond smile on his face and finished his newspaper.


''Can I go inside for a bit? I'll be right back, I promise, I just wanna check out-''

''We can go in for as long as you want. We're not in a hurry.'' Louis said and Harry beamed at him, smiling brighter than the fucking sun and entered the booking store. Louis hated Harry's smile, it's stupid and gross and he absolutely hates him.

Harry immediately went to the 'English section' labeled on top of some bookcases and Louis followed him. He took a look at the books. He never really read books. When he was younger, he pretty much never cared and now he didn't really have the time to read one. And he never really cared. Oops.

''Lou, what books do you normally read?'' Harry asked, without looking at the man, his eyes focused on two books he was holding.

''I don't really read, so I don't really know what I like?'' Louis said, confused and Harry's eyes widened, his grin growing wider.

''That's absolutely brilliant! You can read the world's greatest books, also knows as my favorite books of all time. Why didn't you tell me that sooner? This is better than when I made you that amazing playlist-''

''It wasn't that of a good playli-'' Louis cut him off.

''It was the most amazing playlist known to man, you're just tasteless.'' Harry brushed him off.

''Okay, so we're gonna start with the classics. Hold these.'' Harry said, handing Louis the two books he was holding.


''It's 200 Euros.'' the woman said and Harry hummed, ready to get his card out of his wallet, but Louis put his hand up in protest.

''No, I will pay, Louis, stop.'' Harry said and handed her the card. She smiled, ringing it up and handed it back to the younger man.

''Thank you. So, can we pick them up, before you close?'' Harry asked her again and she confirmed that they could do that. So, Harry chose two books and headed out of the store.

''You didn't have to do that. Thank you.'' Louis said.

''I see it more as an investment. I will make you a well-cultured creature in no time.'' Harry said, booping Louis' nose and the older man rolled his eyes, but smiled nonetheless.

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