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Harry had his head laid on Louis' lap, as he was reading his book and the older man was running his hand through his hair. Louis was also reading the book Harry had chosen for him and he had to admit that it was pretty good, even though his eyes were getting tired and he felt like he was needing his glasses.

However, he had to admit, that he felt kind of amazing right now. They were in a park with green, fresh lawn and Harry had laid a pic nic rug (that's what Harry called it) and they were sitting on it. You could see the Eiffel Tower from afar.

The whole scenery, Harry close to him and all the people around living their lives, like they didn't know who Louis was (or cared for that matter) made him feel surprisingly calm. Maybe it was the new environment or even just the French air, but he actually felt really good. Like this was normal and he had only been here for three days.

''Do you like your book?'' Harry asked, just to make sure (for the hundredth time) Louis liked his book.

''You've asked a million times, already! I like it, but my eyes are getting tired. I wish you had told me to wear my contacts.'' Louis whined and the younger man rolled his eyes at Louis' whining.

''How was I supposed to know, you idiot?'' Harry joked, sitting up right again, bumping his shoulder against the other man's.

''You should have known!'' he insisted and Harry just scoffed, before he just leaned his head on Louis' shoulder and shut his book closed, setting it next to him. Louis wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulder and pulled his body closer, squeezing him gently.

''Are you having fun?'' he asked and Harry nodded, smiling up at Louis.

''Yeah, I mean, it's a bit cold, but we can manage with a few more layers of clothing.'' Harry said in a cheery voice, as usual and Louis leaned in, capturing his lips with Harry's in a slow kiss. The younger boy cupped Louis' cheeks, as the older man's found themselves against the small of Harry's back, pressing softly. Louis pulled away, planting another kiss against Harry's lips, before his face breaking into a grin.

''What?'' Harry asked, not helping but smiling too.

''Nothing. You just look cute.'' he said, pinching Harry's nose carefully and the younger man blushed, putting a strand of his hair behind his ear, looking down.

Fucking shit.

''Cute?'' he asked, cocking his head to the side.

''Yeah, with your curly head and your cute frog face.'' Louis said and Harry let out a gasp at his words.

''Frog face? Did you just call me a frog?'' Harry frowned and the older man let out a giggle.

''Yeah, you look like a frog. A cute one, though.''

''Oh yeah, that makes me feel so much better. I look like a cute frog. Thank you so much.'' Harry said, rolling his eyes at his words and he stood up, bending his knees, and putting his hands between his slightly bended legs, so he was jumping around like a frog. Louis threw his head back, the image unlocking a lot of his childhood memories, and he doubled over with laughter, letting his body fall against the soft rug.

''Oh, you think that's funny?'' Harry asked, making a noise, that resembled a lot to the one frogs make, which made another fit of laughter pour out of Louis' lips. He pulled Harry closer by his coat and slammed their lips together. Harry's eyes widened at the unexpected kiss, but he slowly sank into it, Louis sucking his bottom lip. He placed his hands on Harry's hips and the older man smiled against Louis' lips.


''I don't know when I am coming back...No...No...Look, you can do whatever the fuck you want while I am not there, Eleanor. All I am asking is for you to leave me alone for a while. Fuck, you know what? I don't owe you anything. I don't owe you any explanation on where I am or what I am doing...Well, if you hate me, go and sign those fucking divorce papers.'' Louis whispered-yelled the last part on his phone and immediately ended the call. He took a sip of wine and drummed his fingers against the table, waiting for Harry to return to their table from their washroom.

Not even a minute later, the young man returned to the table and smiled, sitting back down. Louis returned the smile, not even half as enthusiastic as Harry's and the younger man frowned a bit.

''Is everything alright?'' he asked, reaching over the table to take Louis' hand in his.

''Yeah, everything is fine. Just a bit tired, I guess.'' he said, squeezing Harry's hand reassuringly, when his phone started ringing. He looked at the screen and saw Eleanor's name written on it. He sighed, declining the call and turned the device off, before putting it in the pocket of his jacket.

''We can leave if you want. I'm done, anyways.'' he said, smiling softly, without mentioning his phone. Clearly, something happened that upset Louis and he wanted to give him some space.

''No, no. I feel better when I am with you here. I don't wanna go home yet.'' he replied and Harry hummed, nodding.


Harry stared at his reflection on the full-length mirror and run a hand through his hair a few times, trying to smooth them in place. He was currently naked other than the red lace panties he was wearing. His belly button piercing was popping out and he smiled at the thought of how much Louis liked it. He had told him, that he looked cute and fitted his personality. Harry didn't expect that reaction from him. He mostly expected him to start calling Harry sexy and hot and whatever other similar word existed to describe how hot Harry looked or whatever, but he loved Louis' reaction. It meant more than just a 'you're hot'. It meant that Louis understood that Harry did it for himself and not to please someone else.

So, he wanted to 'surprise' Louis and have some fun tonight.

He exited the bathroom, only to find Louis in his boxers asleep on the bed. The younger boy smiled softly and covered Louis with the fuzzy blanket, before slipping into the bed. Louis hummed in his sleep and wrapped an arm around Harry's neck, pulling him closer. Louis buried his face in Harry's neck, taking a breath and the younger man smiled a little, letting Louis cuddle him.

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