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Harry Styles could be doing so many things on a Tuesday morning, including his yoga session that he has just missed. He could take care of his garden, have a bath, like he usually did after having sex with Louis or even bake a fucking cake for Niall's daughter.

However, Harry Styles' plan didn't evolve around spending the whole day with Louis Tomlinson in a hotel room.

Louis always had a thing about expensive things. The bad thing about his childhood, was that he couldn't afford expensive stuff. He loved cars and big houses, luxuries and expensive hotels. So, him and Harry met every Tuesday at exactly 11 AM at 'Sunrise' hotel, which was pricey, but it was Louis' wish and if Louis payed, then Harry was fine with it. But God was a bitch that day and during Harry and Louis' after-sex snogging session, they received a call from the reception, saying that a small fire broke into the lobby and even if they managed to put it out, it was the fire department's orders for everyone to stay in their rooms, until tomorrow morning.

When Louis heard those words, Harry was sucking his neck, one hand on his thigh and the other on his crotch, meaning that Harry wanted to have sex again. He didn't want to stay there, he had to go back to the office.

''I understand.'' he said and hang up.

''Who was it?'' Harry asked, kissing his jawline softly.

''The receptionist. They said that we are in lockdown, until tomorrow morning.'' Louis said, as Harry planted kisses on his chest and looked up confused.

''What happened?'' he asked, his chin resting on Louis' abs.

''A small fire down the lobby but they put it out. We can not leave, though.'' Louis said, reaching for a packet of cigs on the nightstand next to him. He pulled a fag and placed it between his lips.

''Can I have one?'' Harry asked. Louis didn't say anything and just handed the other man one of his cigarettes. He also found his lighter and Harry leaned to the fire, lighting his fag up and he fell back in the bed. Louis got up and started walking towards the pile of clothes on the floor. He was only in his boxers, while Harry was naked, tangled in the sheets, his curly hair all over the place. He sucked on the tip of his cigarette, observing Louis, who was searching around for his clothes with a smirk on his face.

What was the point? He was gonna have to undress soon anyways.

''Why are you dressing?'' Harry asked, staring at the ceiling.


''Because why?''

''Because, because.''

''Because, because, why?'' Harry asked, a grin on his face.

''You won't stop, will you?'' Louis asked.


Louis simply turned his head around a small smile on his face and returned to what he was doing. Harry got out of the bed and walked towards Louis, kissing his shoulder.

''We'll be here for a while, anyways. No need to dress.'' Harry mumbled, against Louis' skin.

''You seem cheery today.'' Louis commented.

''I'm always cheery.'' Harry said, wrapping his hands around Louis' waist and walked back towards the bed, pulling Louis along.

''I have brought my laptop. I can work from here.'' Louis protested.

''We have agreed that when you are here with me, we'll have sex, haven't you?'' Harry asked.

''I have, but I also have work to get done.''

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