49 (tw/smut)

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The next day, Louis woke up to an empty bed and he immediately felt alarmed. He sat up quickly just in time, when the younger boy came out of the bathroom. His hair were placed up in a bun and a towel was wrapped around his hips. The younger boy immediately smiled, once he saw that Louis was awake and Louis let out a sigh of relief when he saw Harry here. His face immediately broke into a smile. Harry moved closer towards Louis and leaned down and kissed him.

''Thought you had left.'' he mumbled against Harry's lips. Harry pulled away and shook his head. He planted kisses on Louis' face and lips.

''Never, ever, ever again.'' he whispered and Louis pulled him down to his laps. Harry yelped a little at the sudden movement. He wrapped his arms around Louis' neck, supporting himself and whined a bit.

''I am all wet and I just had a shower, let me go!'' he said, trying to push himself off of Louis, but the older man shook his head, chuckling a little. Harry smiled, pressing a kiss against Louis' lips. The older man's hand was on Harry's thigh under the towel he had wrapped around himself and Harry beamed at him. He leaned down to peck at Louis' cheek. He was just so happy he was with Louis again and this time he could actually be with the man he loved. No Eleanors or marriages on the way. Just the expressing their real feelings. However, there was still something Harry needed to know.

''How come Eleanor actually agreed on the divorce?'' Harry asked and Louis sighed a little. He was hoping Harry wouldn't ask that question, 'cause he really didn't wanna tell him about how he had slept with her, while being drunk. He knew that this was the only way for them to be completely honest with each other, though. Harry, sensing that Louis was feeling anxious, he leaned down and gave him another peck, cupping Louis' cheek.

''You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to. I just asked, because she always seemed so set on her decision.'' Harry told him and Louis leaned into his touch, taking a deep breath.

''I just don't want you to be upset or sad over it.''

''You're scaring me.'' Harry mumbled, but smiled encouragingly at the older man.

''When you left, I was sad and pissed, like really pissed, because you didn't really told me and it was unexpected and I tried finding you at your old apartment and at your job, but you had actually quit your job before we even went to Paris, without telling me. Now, I didn't expect an announcement, but you could have told me. What were you even doing the nights you were supposed to be at work? Anyways, one day I got drunk, like pissed drunk and I was mad at you and hurt, because I knew that all of this was my fault and then Eleanor came up to me and I don't remember what happened, but the next morning I was with her on my fucking bed, naked. When I got up that morning, I just couldn't believe what I had fucking done and I felt so disgusted with myself, with her, with my life. I immediately asked for a divorce and told her that I would give her the money, the house, whatever she wanted. And she did. It cost me the house and two hundred million pounds, but I haven't seen her in weeks and I have never felt more free.'' Louis explained at him and Harry listened carefully, as Louis stroked his thigh with his thumb softly. Harry had his head on Louis' shoulder, taking deep breaths, inhaling his scent and his eyes were tearing up. He was so, so, sorry that he had run off like that, but at that time, that was the only thing that seemed logical. Besides, he didn't really believe that Louis actually loved him then.

''I am so sorry, Lou. If I had known, I would have never ever left your side. I am so sorry you had to go through that all alone. I love you so much, Lou. So damn much and I am glad you told me and you should blame me for this. This is all my fault-''

''What? Are you crazy? I was a genuine jerk to you and what I did, bringing you with Eleanor at the same house, was so fucked up. If I were you, I would have taken off long ago and I am glad you stuck around and made me realize how in love I was with you. I don't blame your for anything, babe. I was the asshole and you just looked out for yourself. Maybe you should have left a note, though.'' Louis said, kissing Harry's head and then his naked shoulder. Harry leaned in again and kissed Louis more passionately this time and the younger man shifted in Louis lap and threw his thigh over Louis' leg. The older man pushed Harry's towel down, so now Harry was straddling naked Louis' naked body. Their body stayed pressed together, as Louis' hands landed on Harry's waist and the younger boy kissed him on the lips, burying his hands in Louis' hair. Harry circled his hips and Louis let out a moan against the younger boy's mouth. Harry smirked, before he took a hold of Louis' already hard cock, running his thumb over the slit.

''S-shit.'' Louis groaned against Harry's lips and the younger boy slowly lifted his hips up aligning Louis' cock to his hole and slowly sank in. He threw his head, letting out a whine, as Louis groaned, his fingers digging into the meat of Harry's hips. The green-eyed man connected his lips with Louis' again and they both moaned into the kiss, as Harry slowly lifted his hips, sinking in and out slowly. Louis was feeling overwhelmed by the hot tight walls around him. He kissed Harry's chest, before holding his hips still and slowly snapped his hips up, fucking into Harry, the head of his cock hitting Harry's prostate. The younger man let out a loud whine, letting Louis fuck into him hard, as he knew he liked it.

''Lou...'' he whined and Louis nibbled at Harry's collarbone.

''Wanna get on your back?'' he asked, sucking at his neck and Harry hummed, climbing off Louis' lap, still kissing him and the older man pulled out, making Harry whine a bit. Louis placed his hands on Harry's waist and leaned down, pecking at his chest.

''Love you so much.'' Louis mumbled against his skin, as he slowly pushed in again and Harry's back arched, letting out a moan, throwing his head back and shut his eyes closed.

''I love you too.'' Harry whispered.

Harry spread his legs, as Louis pushed in deeper. Harry let out an even louder moan, as the sound of skin slapping and small groans coming out of Louis' mouth, fucking into Harry.

''Lou, I'm so close.'' Harry whined and the older man took a hold of Harry's hips. Harry pushed his upper body up in order to kiss Louis and the blue-eyed man hummed into the kiss, burying his hand into the curls of the younger boy.

''Come, whenever you're ready.'' Louis said, between kisses and the younger boy loud out a shaky breath, before he dug his fingers into Louis' shoulder blades, as the older man hit his prostate repeatedly. It didn't take long for Harry to cum, shooting off loads on their chests and he let out a cry, as his face scrunched up in the cutest way. Louis snapped his hips a couple more times, before cumming inside Harry and then he literally just collapsed on Harry's body.

''Shit. I need to shower again.'' Harry breathed out after a while. Louis chuckled, pulling out of Harry's sensitive hole and the younger boy whined.

''Sorry, love.'' Louis mumbled, kissing Harry's temple and gathered him in his arms, and then kissed his shoulder. Harry hummed content in Louis' arms and closed his eyes.

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