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021 Relying on your neck a lot, right?
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    Saying it's a lady requires a little imagination, because the head part has too many necks, the body is overwhelmed, and the whole body is forced into the dress like a lump of flowing flesh.

    The flesh of the leg was squeezed into the high heels, and it was continuously stretched and dropped under the influence of gravity.

    But the funny thing is that each of its necks is hung with thin necklaces.

    The body of the lady with the long neck walked staggeringly, and it could be seen that she must have been dissatisfied with her stubby neck before the end of the world, and she was very obsessed, otherwise she would not have mutated into so many long necks.

    Qu Moheng didn't dare to look down any longer, she shrank back, looked up at the top of the locker room, gritted her teeth and climbed up with her limbs on the wall.

    Of course, she knows that space is the best shelter, but if she wants to escape when she encounters danger, then her third-order Thunder Element strength will come to an end.

    After an unknown amount of time, just when Qu Moheng felt that she was almost ready to come down, she heard a very clear rustling sound again.

    Relying on your neck a lot, right? !

    The fart shop also repeats the search, there is no end!

    Although she was complaining in her heart, Qu Moheng didn't dare to scold him. She could only continue to hold on, holding her breath and waiting for the long neck to pass by.

    The rustling sound was getting closer and closer, as if it was right next to my ear.

    This time, Long Neck seems to be unwilling to search on the surface, and actually sticks his head into the dressing room!

    Qu Moheng, who was supporting him above, suppressed the shock in his heart, shaking his hands and holding on tightly.

    Just when the human-skin head was about to retract back, he suddenly turned his head 180° and looked directly at Qu Mo.


    Just as the long-necked human-skinned face was rushing towards the top, almost at the same time, Qu Moheng also decisively let go of his hand, smashed his body on the flesh-colored neck, and rushed out of the clothing store with a vigorous stride.

    Just as she rushed out, eight heads in wrinkled human skins stared straight at her.

    Qu Mo's hair stood on end.

    She saw Chen Yongcheng and the other two surviving classmates who were standing in front of Lin Yimo, and shouted, "Let's get out of the mall!"

    Then she turned her head and rushed towards the exit, and by the way she reached out to catch it. I got a black sports backpack.

    The long neck was obviously irritated by her relaxed appearance, and the necks that attacked her alone were several more than others.

    It's not fair!

    But Qu Moheng wouldn't be stupid enough to choose this time to stop and discuss the issue of equal distribution with Long Neck carefully.

    As the long neck attacked more and more rapidly, Qu Moheng had to dodge while jumping.

    She also didn't care whether others would find out that she had room, so she took out a skateboard and fell to the ground, jumped on it, and quickly swiped her left foot on the floor a few times, speeding up without turning her head. Get out of the mall.

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