CHAPTER 201-210

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201 The boss does everything right
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    Although Lou Xiaojing's words sounded a little unreasonable, and even stood on Qu Moheng's side without a brain, but they were already teammates, should they still accuse their captain and speak for others?

    "How can this be possible? No matter how bad that Qu Tingting is, he can't be blamed for death...

    Besides, Moheng has so many blue waters, you give it to us selflessly every time, even, I have seen it, you cook vegetables. It was also secretly released to us when we were there.

    You are so generous, it’s not an exaggeration to give a bottle of blue water to others…”

    Ou Dongming frowned, and asked her: “Is it possible that you are a healer , do you have to treat all the wounds you have encountered? Our captain treats us well, and I have nothing to say if you take it for granted, but how can you morally kidnap? Ask her to be a saint, whether she likes the other party or not Want to save?"

    Shen Yu widened his eyes, bit his lower lip, and looked at Ou Dongming in disbelief with his wet eyes.

    Of course she knew that unless she was really blind, Ou Dongming was usually too lazy to speak.

    Did she really do something wrong?

    Is it wrong to save a life?

    Seeing that the group of people who get along with each other every day and night are now all on the opposite side of her, and then think of the first reaction of her teammates when she and Qu Moheng were killed at the same time.

    Shen Yu smiled bitterly, knowing that she no longer had a place in this team, with tears in her eyes: "I quit myself, thank you for taking care of me during this period of time."

    As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Yu said: Walking back into the stone house, I thought to pack up and leave.

    But when she walked to her bed, she realized that in fact, all her current food and clothing expenses were paid by Qu Moheng, and she had nothing to take care of.

    Shen Yu walked out of the stone house in a low mood. She suppressed the tears from the corners of her eyes, not wanting them to see her too embarrassed.

    When he was about to leave the stone house door, Qu Moheng suddenly stretched out his hand.

    Shen Yu raised her head in surprise, but found that she was holding a large bag of supplies.

    "These are all collected by all of us some time ago. This is one-eighth of all the materials and belongs to you."

    Because she has space, the materials collected by the whole team are placed in her. in space.

    But Qu Moheng won't take it all for himself, what should belong to them, she will only give more, never less.

    She Shen Yu couldn't be more clear about how protective Qu Moheng was.

    Once she left the team, Shen Yu knew in her heart that she would no longer be able to enjoy the blue water, materials and information that Qu Moheng provided her teammates.

    After wiping the corners of his eyes, he couldn't hold back the tears, Shen Yuqiang smiled and thanked him, picked up the heavy cloth bag, and quickly turned around and walked towards the laboratory headquarters.

    After Qu Moheng and the others quickly washed up, they all headed towards the laboratory headquarters in silence.

    After arriving at the door of the laboratory, it was the same person in charge, Li Kuida.

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