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061 Block A Cell
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    "Well, you can visit Area A, it seems not bad." Qu Moheng nodded with a smile, not sure if Lou Xiaojing and the others would be in Area A.

    "Che, I haven't seen the market before. Our sister Zhilan is going for a second test today, and tomorrow she's going to move to District A!" The smoking girl heard their conversation and couldn't help sneering with disdain. stand up.

    "That's right, Sister Zhilan can eat the buffet whenever she wants, and I don't know what you can show off if you can eat it once!"

    "Hmph, besides, I don't know if some people are here. What is the back door in front of Area B to get past Sister Zhilan to get the special mission of the pharmacy!"

    "You reminded me like this, it seems that she came from Area C!"

    "Ah Area C... No wonder..."

    The members of the other groups looked at Qu Moheng with contempt.

    Hearing these words, Qu Moheng couldn't help frowning.

    Why do women here hold greater malice towards women?

    It's only been over a week since the end of the world, and this group of people has been brainwashed into this by the person in charge of this prison.

    Thinking back to the group of helpers in Zone C who were tortured by starvation and degenerate, the cruelty of reality to the weak is really chilling.

    Not long after, Chen Zhijian came to Area B again, this time with his partner who was kicked by Qu Moheng last time.

    "All the members of the three groups have just come out to eat. Brother Jiu, go and take that helper named He Zhilan to the confinement room for a second test."

    He Zhilan smiled when she heard this, but she didn't glance at Qu Moheng the whole time. She nodded seriously towards Liang Ajiu, and stood up first and walked out.

    Low-level is low-level, some people will not hesitate to sell their hues for a chance to go to the buffet in Area A. Are they still delusional that they will rely on selling their hues for a lifetime and stay in Area A every day?

    Qu Moheng was not worthy of making her spend too much energy, they were people from two different worlds.

    "The real strength and the back door are different!"

    The other helpers who didn't have the chance to eat the buffet in Area A looked coldly at the three groups of four going out.

    Different from the intricate thoughts of others - it is Liang Ajiu.

    As soon as he saw Qu Moheng, he felt a dull pain in his abdomen again.

    When the members of the three groups walked out one by one to the door of the prison, it was Qu Moheng’s turn to pass Liang Ajiu. He unconsciously tightened his whole body and quietly moved out half a step without changing his face. Very fearless.

    Qu Moheng slowly followed behind everyone and walked towards the cell in Area A.

    When they walked to the door of the cell in Area A, it was hard not to notice the two alloy doors corresponding to the left and right.

    Chen Zhijian opened the alloy door on his right that was connected to Area B and Area C.

    Qu Moheng actually wanted to ask who was behind the other door on the opposite side?

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