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081 The monster at the bottom of the prison
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    It was holding something red and black in its mouth. Through the projection, Qu Moheng couldn't see what it was.

    I saw it walked slowly to He Zhilan's side, pouted and shook off the hard object it was biting tightly, and then its mouth suddenly transformed into a thin mouthpart, which directly pierced He Zhilan's back, with bulging cheeks. sucking something.

    Qu Moheng took a closer look, only to realize that it was actually sucking the marrow of He Zhilan? !

    After about five minutes, the bone-winged zombie actually stopped eating. Its thin mouthparts slowly pulled away from He Zhilan's back, and then stretched out to a pile of hanging bags filled with fresh blood. , continue to smoke.

    Obviously, this zombie has a strong sense of autonomy, and it can actually control the amount of bone marrow it sucks and wrap its abdomen with blood.

    Ingesting two different kinds of human body fluids every day, it seems that the treatment of this skull-winged zombie is at the level of the emperor compared to other zombies.

    Now Qu Moheng finally understood the overall plan and ultimate purpose of this prison.

    In fact, the high-rise of this prison is not a human at all, but a giant bone-winged zombie.

    Although she has not approached the zombie in person, but looking at the body shape and the bone wings that she has never seen before, Qu Moheng guesses that the level of this zombie has reached at least five, and even some Possibly at level six.

    Thinking about it, it must be that the nutrition it usually takes in is too rich, and the promotion speed is much faster than the "wild" zombies outside.

    Therefore, the prison is divided into two floors above ground and underground. There are four areas on the ground: A, B, C, and D. Among them, the ABC area is where the helpers live.

    Helping workers, as the name suggests, means helping workers who do their jobs.

    The main task of the helpers in Area C is to help the prison officers to solve their physiological needs;

    The helpers in area B are mainly responsible for most of the tasks of collecting supplies;

    the helpers in area A use their high-level bone marrow to provide nutrients to the bone-winged zombies underground without being aware of it.

    The most special is the D area. I think the tributes that were caught in the D area should be the power users with high levels from the beginning. If you can't tame them, you simply stun them. They are maintained by injecting transparent drugs and nutrients every day. Their lives in order to achieve the purpose of providing daily blood to the bone-winged zombies.

    And the reason why there have been no zombie invasions around this prison, why do the prisoners here take the initiative to support a zombie? I think they should regard this skull-winged zombie as a local snake here, and use high-level zombies to suppress the lower-level side of the party. swarms of zombies to prevent them from invading.

    Such a stronghold is deformed. It is good that he did not encounter this kind of behavior to feed zombies by mutilating power users. If he did, Qu Moheng did not intend to leave such a scourge.

    After thinking about it, she put the black Rubik's cube into the space, and prepared paper and pen to simply write down what she knew, and the next plan.

    After Qu Moheng made all the preparations, she opened the door of the training room and returned to the pink big bed to close her eyes and rest.

    After a few hours, the morning sun shone through the railings on the windows and dappled into the cell in Area A.

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