CHAPTER 111-120

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111 What is an optical card?
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    "It's easy to say." Liang Siqi accepted it generously.

    "What is that light card? Does it have any effect?" Ou Dongming, who had already reached the fourth rank, was very interested in the topic mentioned by Qu Moheng.

    "This is what I'm going to say next," Qu Moheng probed with his senses and found that there were no suspicious people around, so he explained in a low voice, "Actually, the end of the world is coming, we ordinary people do not know, But the highest level in the world actually predicted it long ago. They gathered the world's top engineers, designers, medical scientists, scientists, etc., and set up an ultimate human refuge, which has never been built on the world map. A place that has never been named and has not been marked."

    "This sanctuary is called the dome." As soon as

    Qu Moheng finished speaking, everyone's eyes instantly lit up.

    A refuge for mankind, what kind of place would that be?

    There is no longer a loss of invasion, no need to worry about daily food and clothing, no need to rotate guards day and night, and no longer need to be afraid of encountering unfamiliar ability users, whether they will snatch materials and kill people with them.

    The dome, this sacred name, must be the paradise of the supernatural beings in the apocalyptic continent, the Noah's Ark that condenses the top wisdom of all mankind, right?

    After a few weeks of life in dislocation, everyone knows that the pre-apocalyptic human society has never returned. Who doesn't yearn for a place like that?

    Qu Moheng's reaction was not what Qu Moheng expected. She watched with satisfaction as their eyes began to look forward to the future.

    If you just pass each day by the way, then everyone's strength is likely to be lower than your own potential value.

    And the purpose of what she said today is to tap the full potential of all the team members during the period of renovation of the villa, even far beyond their own potential.

    She wants to form the strongest lineup in the apocalyptic continent.

    This is her ambition!

    As for the teammates who didn't know it at the moment, because of Qu Moheng's remarks, everyone looked eager to try, and their desire to become stronger was extremely strong at this moment.

    "The Dome sends light cards to the best abilities in the world every year. Our current goal is to compete for the fifteen white light cards for the primary examination points. Only those abilities with white light cards can log in to the dome. Qualifications."

    Qu Moheng explained here temporarily, no matter how much more, she will not let them know until they reach that height.

    But having said that, even in the previous life, she was only able to reach the third-order strength, and she worked hard to get the white light card that belonged to her in the end.

    Even if she has climbed the dome, the information she knows is only superficial. If she wants to go deeper, she has to wait for her to climb the dome again and explore it.

    When it comes to assigning tasks, Qu Moheng, who has a strong learning ability, imitated some of the routines of the prison management model this time, and then made the following assignments based on the actual situation of each person.

    "Today our main task is to collect the major gas stations. Gasoline is the most indispensable part of the apocalypse, so I can charge as much as I want. Don't worry about the situation that there is no place to put it or no vehicle."

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