Part 10

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Jk pov

In those month i never had any courage to talk with her,she is so arrogant & much professional. I want to live like a normal couple do. But i scared from her.she is so scary her dark aura gives me shiver. I don't scared from anyone but she effects me a lot. Why y/n? Why?.can't you be normal.

Knock knock



Jk:( she is in my room, am i dreaming) ahh yes

Y/n:i wanna ask you something

Jk: yeah go ahead

Y/n:it's more like a asking for a favour

Jk: umm

Y/n:listen, there is a family get together, i don't wanna go there & there is also my business trip coming soon,

Jk:you want me to delay them.

Y/n:yes like that

Jk:how long will be your business trip

Y/n:It's about 7 months

Jk:quite long, i will do for you then.

Y/n:thanks a lot jungkook.

Jk:(she told me thanks, i have to put it write down, wohoo)you are welcome.

Jk: I'm so happy aaaaaaaaa

Time skips & she left for her Business trip

I started to miss her,,,,,,,

Already 6 months passed.

At mom's home

Jane:yeah jungkook aa, now finally you get time to visit us (jungkook's elder sister, they have age gape only 1 year)

Jk:hehe i miss you noona, & forgive me plzzzz,

Jane:ok ok i will,

Jk:where is mom dad

Jane:they are out of town

.......time skip.....

Jane:how is your so called wife

Jk:noona why don't you like her

Jane: she is a pride full bitch

Jk: it's not like that

Jane: i know clearly she don't even observe her responsibility, i heard a lot of things about what.


Jane:she slept with other mens

Jk:that's not true,, all are rumours coz she is famous she has name.

Jane:you are blind

Jk:it's not like that she is like badass & independent

Jane:i don't feel like,, ok tell does she ever started a conversation with you, without any reason or wished you good morning, good night.

Jk:no she don't but how do you know

Jane:ofcours i can sense that. From high school i watched her, she is a bitch.

Jk: should we now skip this topic.

Jane:i don't want you to suffer kook, so I'm just, you know, i care for you.

Jk:i know,

Jane: i hope you understand, if this is not for business issue, i will never let her enter your life.


Jane:there is someone much better than her for you.


Jane:let it be,

After dinner i left the home & going towards my home. But jane's words are still echoing in my mind.I think i fall for her that's why i can't take those harsh words about her.

Ahhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i don't know what kind of feeling is this. God, help me, i want my answers.

In those months,maybe we don't have any proper conversation. Still her presence around me is like my inner mind is so happy. Her glance, her look, her attitude. Her care,

Flashback ,


I'm not feeling well my head is paining like hell. Then everything went black.



What was that sound, jungkook what happened to yoir eyes. I touched his forehead. He was fainted because of high fever. This boy, some how i carry him to his room & lied him on his bed.Then i called the doctor, he came & check him & gave me some prescribed medicines.

I called the maid & told her that her day off got cancelled.


Y/n:shhh,nothing happened to you,you will be fine soon. (Creasing his hair)

This boy, he is still same as before.

Soon maid arrived,

Y/n:you are here

Maid:is there any emergency mam

Y/n:jungkook is ill, take care off him well,& here take this everything is written on it what to do. If he deny to eat just call me.

Maid :ok mam.

Y/n:ok then I'm leaving & don't forget to give him medicines on time.

Time skip

At night,

I reached home, I'm so tired right now. I get fresh. Then i was about sleep i heard some's coming from jungkook's room. I went there he is sobbing very badly & still senseless . When i went near him he caught my hand &

Jk:Don't leave me, plzzzz,plzzz

Y/n: No one will leave you.

Then i layed beside him & he embraced me tight as much as he can. Such a little baby he is. Now he is my responsibility.

Y/n:i Bullied you a lot but the best part is you become more & more stronger after that. How can a person being that much cute!

The whole night pass like that he is in my arms, soon morning arrived. I Check his temperature now It's low. I slowly remove his hand from my waist,i don't wanna make him awake. If he sees me like that it will be embarrassing. After-all i have cold aura i can't ruin my aura infront of him, soon i left his room & again started to work for my busy day.

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