Part 28

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Y/n pov,

Y/n:i think i need more powerful dose.

Doc:That will affect you a lot.

Y/n:I'm in a mess Doctor.

Doc:i know y/n, I'm treating you since your childhood. You got traumatised in a very young age.

Y/n:My mom dad was always busy on their work & my brother he cares for me but they also sent him far from me. Also at that age lisa unnie died. I was fuming alone. I was a scaredy-cat nothing much. With your help i came out from that but seems like my life isn’t that easy.

Doc:Your past & present haunting you together. Even tho you are scared of future.

Y/n:things are not working as well as i thought. I think i already lost in my battle.

Doc:No you are not, you still have your hope Enwoo.He needs you. He even Don't know what’s wrong with her mom & why he is restricted to meet his father.

Y/n:you know he is so understanding, once he asked about his father i just told him that, he is far from us. He again asked is he alive, i said yes. After that he never asked about his father. I will never able to give him his father's love.

Doc:There is still time you should talk with him one more time this time face to face. Get the courage y/n.

Y/n:You know what, he even told me today he hates me. After that will i able to get the courage?

Doc:Give a try before you think It's too late.

Y/n :i will try,

Doc: you know what y/n for some illness can't get cure by medicines, to cure this need Someone's love. That's the thing you needs the most at this time.

Y/n:(sad chuckles)


Jungkook pov,

When i went home. Everything was so silent. I thought era slept. I was passing by her room suddenly i heard her sobs.she was saying ''Mom why
Did you left us. You know dad told me that maybe you don’t love us anymore so that you left us. What did we done? I don’t even know how do you look. Please come back i need you. I will obey your every Words. Dad will do the same. We will treat you so well. Please ''


Era:Dad!  You are here.

Jk:Am i so bad, that you felt like you don’t have  your mom with you.

Era: It's not like that dad, i just want to feel mom's love for once in my life. She is alive right , so can i just see her for once only once please.

Jk:She Won't come, but i will bring you a mom,

Era:you said that she Won't come then how will you bring her.

Jk:i will bring you a better mom than her.

Era:will it works.

Jk:it will,


Y/n pov,

I took his number from hyung & left all my guts aside & dialled his number. He received it. I spoke first.


Jk:WHO's speaking?!

Y/n:Yes I'm.

Jk:Why did you call? 

Y/n:I want to talk with you.

Jk:why so sudden,

Y/n:I will tell you,

Jk:Then meet me after this week.


Jungkook pov,

I don’t  know why suddenly she wanted to talk with me. Does she wanted to get back with me or something else. What if she wants us back. I don’t understand her. I already took my decision.

After a week,

I entered the place where we would meet. She was sitting alone in a corner, Analysing something. I went straight to her & sit infront of her.

Jk: I'm here,

Y/n:yeah, how are you,

Jk:I'm good, what do you want to discuss tell me fast.

Y/n:umm,is era doing well.

Jk: get into the point.

Y/n:Ok, ummm,

Jk:ok if you Don't tell me, i have something to tell you I'm getting married after 1 month with Sia. So I'm inviting you there as a very special guest. Here take this card. It will be a grand wedding. Maybe the best wedding in my life.You have to come at any cost because you are so special. Oh one thing don’t forget to bring your new boyfriend or husband wherever.

Y/n:I Don't have anyone like that, are you really serious about that marriage? What about Era.

Jk: huh, who's talking where were you when era needs you the most. You diched us. You know how much she craved for a mother's love. Now you are worrying about her. How funny.

Y/n:I know it was all my falut.But are you sure that the women you are marrying she will keep her happy. Will she gonna take a good care of her.

Jk:She is way better than you.

Y/n:Do you love her that much that's why you are believing her blindly.

Jk:Yes i do.

Y/n:Are you sure that i have no place anymore in your heart. Even a little.

Jk:You lost that place long ago.

Y/n:Do you still think about me that I'm so bad after my explanation.

Jk:what type of explanation do you want to show me now or gonna make a new fake one. Or gonna do something else.

Y/n:I have no words to speak.

Jk:I'm thinking about also taking custody of enwoo afterall he is my blood & i don’t want him to live with a fake person.

Y/n:You can't, he is officially in my custody & always will until i die.

Jk:Don't you feel even a little ashamed. As a mother you literally ruind their life by your own hands.

Y/n:I had reasons Jeon.

Jk: your reasons, so funny , haha. I don’t wanna make this conversation continue anymore, so I'm leaving & don’t forget to come in my wedding i want you to see you the actual pain if you still have heart.

Y/n pov,

When he leaves i let my tears to fall down. I have really nothing to do with it. You won sia. You got him, your each & every plan worked Congratulations. Now he hates me even more & he is going to be yours also. I kept quiet because i had a hope on him but that also gone. Even tho he wants to snatch enwoo from me. You won sia you won & i lost.

Jungkook pov,

I don’t know how did i just spell those words that i don’t love her anymore while my heart only beats for her. While i was saying those words her eyes were getting red. My heart was saying forget everything just took her in your arms she needs you. Something is wrong. But my brain stopped me from doing that.


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