Part 19

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Y/n pov,

It's already mid night. I just want to take a good sleep after so many days. My heart is feeling little light after meeting them, & sharing things. After a long day i was about to sleep without pills, i hope it goes better. Suddenly i got a knock on my door. Who would be at this time. Jungkook? I opened the door & saw a messy jungkook.His eyes are puffy & hair is messy. His face is pale. He is completely in a mess. Seems like he cried a lot. Without saying anything he hugged me very tight. I got a little shocked. I hugged him back. I asked him politely what happened. He stays quite. Then i felt my shoulder is getting wet. He is crying & sobbing badly in my arms. I broke the hug.

Y/n: jungkook what happened? Why are you crying? Did anything wrong happened? Don't cry. Speak to me.

He is still sobbing like a little baby.
I hold his hands.

Y/n:Jungkook look at me. Don't look down. Just look at me & tell me what happened.


Y/n:if you stay quite, how would we gonna solve the matter. Speak,

Jk:I'm sorry,, I'm really sorry (sobbing)

Y/n:for what?

Jk:That day i talked with you really harsh. I'm a dumb ass, fool, useless

Y/n:shhh, it's ok It's completely fine. If there is anyone other than you, he would do the same. You didn't done anything wrong.

Jk:i did,

Y/n: listen, i know it's really painful when a father lost his child.

Jk: what about the mother, don't she feel the same as father. Ofcourse she did right.

Y/n:yes she did.

Jk: Every time i create a mess in everyone's life.

Y/n:No you don't. You know you are a good luck for people's life.

Jk: No I'm not, i always lose temper before hearing them properly.

Y/n: it happens.

Jk:it's not for the first time.


Jk: i just make you hurt & nothing.

Y/n: Did i ever said that?

He nodded with a no sign.

Y/n: then what made you think that,


Y/n: i sould say sorry to you, i Bullied you a lot at highschool & after College.

Jk: that had an impact


Jk: it's a secret.

Jk: y/n can we live like a normal couple.

With a pause i said," i will think about it."

Jk: i understand, you don't like me.

Y/n:when i said that?

Jk:umm,forget about it. Can i ask you a favour.

Y/n:yes what is it.

Jk: can i sleep with you today.

Y/n:why, reason?

Jk: i just want.

He is making literally baby face i can't deny it.

Y/n: ok come.

He went to the bed and laid down cutely & called me to sleep by his side.
I went to bed & laid down beside him. He chuckled cutely. He switched off the lights & leaned closer to me.

Jk: can i hug you.

I nodded in a yes.

He hugged me & put his head on my chest like a baby.

In the morning,

I woke up & saw that he is wrapping me with his hands like he is protecting something really precious. He is so cute. I heard that he is very cold at office. Who will say that after seeing him like this. His eyes started to move, he opened his eyes & gave me a cute smile with peck on my forehead. I smiled & said him morning,

He again smiles.Maybe this is the first time we had a cute interactions.

We both get up & did our morning routine.

Time passed 5 months latter,

In those months, everything was same but got some changes. We ended up living in the same room.we did our dinner everyday together & we Share a little chat. Sometimes on weekends we hang out, obviously secretly. No one knows about it.It's more like a date with him. We finally get over the trauma of loosing our first Child. & he told me to not to think about those nasty people. Everything is going smooth. You can say that i melt a little for him. But you don't believe me this cute bunny can be, much harmful. Infront of me he really behaves cute. But when It's come to profession he is strict as hell. But not like me. I hope that everything goes like this. I just want him to be happy & make our life more beautiful. Since it was a mess at the beginning. I just want them to be clear. We started to made a bond of ours. Little skin ships exists. We know our limits.we never crossed our limits.We respect eachothers decisions.

He always did his best to make me happy. I also try to make him happy. Unknowingly he still scared of me. You know he had a past effect. Believe me i never went to far.

I had a new thought on my mind. It's not new I'm thinking about it for a long ago. But not getting the courage. Now i getting forward to it.


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