Part 18

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So y/n,

Y/n:yes hyung

(Showing the medicines)

Jisso:what is all this?

Y/n:(I'm shocked to see those medicines on jisso's hand, how could they found it.)

Rm:answer us,

Jisso:Don't be quite y/n.

Y/n:..........(what would i say, unknowingly my eyes started to get teary)

Rm: you know that We six made a promise together.

Jisso: & we decided to never break it right.

Y/n:then why she is gone.

Rm: It's on her fate.

Y/n: ( the tears dropped from her eyes)

Jisso:Don't change the topic, we know something is really bothering you very badly.

Rm: what's it y/n,we can't see you like this.

Y/n: I lost my unborn child (shout)

Rm:what, how?

Jisso pulled y/n into a hug.

Jisso:shhhh, stop crying. It's painful i know.

Rm:I'm sorry for your lost.

Jisso:is it a miscarriage?



Y/n:someone killed the baby,

Jisso:what, who

Y/n:i Don't know, i tried to found the culprit. Someone mixed abortion pills with my coffee. That causes me abortion. I Don't even know how can a outsider knew about me. The marriage was secret. I don't even told anyone about my pregnancy. & then i failed to found the culprit. My mind started lose It's patience. So i forced myself into work. I just want them to get out of my mind. Nothing was helping. So i started to take those high dossed pills again. Nothing is still working.

Jisso:you know that well, the medicines you are having is much effective. You can also die by this effect.

Rm:(crying) Do you also want to leave us like her. Plz Don't do that.

Y/n:(crying) sorry hyung.

Jisso: killing your ownself is not the solution. Live girl, live.

Rm:what if v knows he will break in tears.

Y/n:i request you guys don't tell him.

Jisso:first you should promise us that you Won't do that again.

Y/n:i will not.

They both hugged her really tight.

Rm:jungkook knows everything?


Jisso:didn't you told him?

Y/n:i tried but faild he misunderstood. & he hurted because of me.

Jisso:you should told him.

Y/n:i can't help about it now.

Rm:there is still time. Make it upto him before It's too late.

Y/n:i Don't think so, i can do it.

Jisso:just put your ego aside.

Rm:just ignore your mind & listen to your heart just for once.

Y/n:Maybe that can help.

Rm:we are leaving then, take care of yourself.

Jisso:& talk to Jungkook

Y/n: I will give myself a try.

Rm: good bye, till then.

Y/n: good bye.

[Little deed they don't know someone were hearing them ]

Jungkook pov,

I'm thirsty so, I'm heading to the kitchen for a bottle of water.While passing by y/n's room. Jisso asked her what is all this. Somehow i got curious. So, i stand there.I got shocked when she said that, that medicines can cause her death. I'm surprised why would she do that. Then 6 of them. Seems like they are very close to eachother. After that, the moment come, when my tears Won't stop from dropping. When she said the cause of the child abortion. Guilt rush towards my heart. I got completely numb. My mind got stopped. I ran to my room.I was completely wrong. I sould listen to her for once. I always done that, before listening everything i made a mess. How could i apologise her now. I can't help myself. The moment when she needs me the most i abandoned her. She is so strong indeed. I'm sorry y/n, i'm so sorry (crying continuously).
I'm a coward.

Y/n pov,

I have no clue that should i talk to to him. I don't know will he talk to me. I know he is hurt. I'm also hurt but seems usual for me. I can bear that. But for him it's new. He grown up with a really cheerful mind unlike me. He needs time to heal the pain.I'm a pride person. I don't beg infront anyone.i will prove to him that i don't have any fault. Shit y/n shit! You are again bringing a moddy person. Who only cares about her ego. You can do it y/n. Someone said that 'When a person in love he/she can do anything that means for love'

I think i sould apply that method. A voice is echoing inside me that
'I love him'

Y/n pov end

[Note : The six of them is I mentioned earlier is, Y/n, Namjoon, Jisso, V, Lisa & onther on is hidden. You will know about him/her soon ]


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