Part 24

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Jungkook pov,

I was home a bit early ,  i knew that y/n will be late. As she started work she will give her best. I'm proud of her. Let me Check my little Angeles first.Oh they are sleeping . I better don’t disturb them. I went to take a warm shower.After that when i was scrolling through my phone i heard crying sound, so i went there. Enwoo was crying  i took him in my arms & trying to calm him. Seems like he is Hungry. Let me make your food baby. Till then stay here quietly. You will right? He pass me smile. Ok i knew the answer. I went to kitchen to make his meal.

Y/n pov,

Aish I'm late It's already 12:30. I opened the door & saw all lights were off. Just few light rays are coming from the kitchen. I went there saw jungkook is making a bottle of milk. I stood  behind him.

Y/n: I'm so lucky.

Jk: oh,you are back.

Y/n: yes & let me help you.

Jk: It's ok, I'm almost done. Go take a shower you must be tired.

Y/n: yes I'm but, You're also, so give me this one now & go take some rest.

Jk: I'm completely fine with it, & most importantly my buddy is waiting for me so,I'm going.

Y/n: this man.


Y/n:why are you crying, look mommy is here.

Era is still crying,

Y/n: oh my Princess, look I'm sorry for picking him first.

Y/n: kook, 

Jk: I'm  coming , give me my Princess to me.

& she stopped crying,

Y/n: aish this girl,

Jk: haha, she loves her dad more.


Y/n: stay with your daughter i have my son, right enwoo.

Enwoo: (giggles)

Jk: ok then,

Era: aA..aa..A

Y/n: what does that means,

Jk: that means she loves her dad, right baby.


In the evening,

All day long jungkook played with them . I entered the room & saw three of them sleeping peacefully. I gave a peck on their forehead. Let me take a picture of them.


At night,

Jk: y/nieeee, 

Y/n: what happened? 

Jk: close the laptop & come here fast.

Y/n: what happened?  I'm coming .

Jk: look era started to walk,

Y/n:omo! Her first walk.

Suddenly she fell down, & cries a little. Junkook ran to her & picked her up.

Jk: that floor is bad, you just hit my daughter.

Jk: shhh, You're daddy's girl right Don't cry.

Y/n: It's normal kook, if she fall down she's gonna learn how to get up.

Jk: but it hurts.

Y/n: I see, you love her that much. Love her but don’t spoil her.

Jk: ok, ok.

Enwoo: Da...dAaa.

Jk: yesss!

Again they started to play.

[ that time i understood, jungkook is too much into his daughter. ]

Jk: sleep well, dad gonna sing for you guys ♪

Y/n: I never knew that you sing that well,

Jk:hehe, i was just too shy, to tell you.



:[y/n: I want divorce

Jk: why?  What's wrong are you kidding me?

Y/n: I Don't want to talk  much about this

Jk: are you out of mind, are you even serious ]:


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