Part 31

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?:hi, can i sit with you.

?:yeah sure.

?:hey I'm Era,

?:well, I'm enwoo.Btw why did you sit beside me no one likes to sit beside me.

Era:i don't like noisy people & You're pretty quiet so,


Teacher :Good morning class, How are you guys are doing? 

Everyone :we are doing well miss lee.

Miss lee:class we have a new transfer student here. Era will you introduce your self.

Era:Hi I'm era,

Miss lee:anything else,ok let's start our lesson.

Miss:now, art period. What we will draw today. Let's draw a tree today.

Everyone getting there colours & Notebooks.

After class everyone getting out from the school & suddenly a boy bumped with era & enwoo. He got really hurt on his knees & It's started bleeding. Also his mother was present there & she misunderstood the situation.  She accused era & enwoo to pushing him.

Next day she went straight to  principle room.

Principle :is there anything wrong Mrs.Clark.

Mrs.Clark:I want to talk with the student called era & enwoo's parents.because of there kids my child got injured.

Principle :calm down miss, take a sit. Are you sure that they did it & we also need to know the victims statement.

Mrs.Clark:my son is in high fever.How the hell he is gonna maka a statement. Just call their parents.

Principle:we are sorry for sam, but we can't accuse them like that.

Mrs:i saw them pushing him, i heard that the girl era is new & the boy enwoo his parents never showed up.
I wanna know about their damn parents who can't even teach their kid manners.

Principle :we can call the kids & asked them.

Mrs.Clark:No, you know that who I'm   & my husband so It's better you should not mess up with me.

Principal:[& you don’t know who are their parents ]Ok I'm calling.

On call (Jungkook)

Principle :Hello Mr.Jeon

Jungkook:hello uncle
Is everything ok, is era ok,
Did something happened.

Principal:some issues came out, I'm not wanting to bother you but i have to. (Tells him everything)

Jungkook:ok i got it, i will pick her
Up right now & tell her
To go or do something i don’t
Want my daughter in any kind
Of violation.

Principle:I will try,

Jungkook:thanks uncle.


On call (Y/n)

Principle :Hello Ms.Kim

Y/n:Hello uncle, i know why
Did you called i heard it from
Aurum, i coming to pick him
Up. Do something to her coz
I know my kids can't do this
Kind of  acts & i Don't want
Any kind of drama so,

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