Part 21

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Author pov,

Today is there 2nd anniversary, so y/n decided to confess him. So, she made some arengment on roof toop.

Jk: Y/n are you possessed.

Y/n: No,

Jk: then wha......

When he entered the roof top. He saw the roof top was decorated with lots of candels. Also there is a boutique of white roses.

Jk:OMG! Y/n,

Y/n: Happy 2nd anniversary to us.

Jk: Ahhh you are the best

& hugged  her tightly.

Y/n: we messed up with our first one, so I'm trying to start a new one.

Jk: I'm feeling so overwhelming now.

Y/n: Just stay like that,

Jk: i never thought that you have that kind of sight.

Y/n: I'm a human too duh!

Jk: yeah with scary aura

Y/n: why not, when her husband is a cold ass, when he gets professional.

Jk: inner us know that It's just showing our arrogance.

Y/n:meant to be, who knows a cheerful boy will being a cold ass

Jk: let me tell you a secret,


Jk: i just wanted to be like you,you look so cool, so why not try your method, then it turns out to be real.

Y/n: acting turns into reality.

Jk: something like that, Btw why did you brought white roses,Isn't it meant to be red roses.

Y/n: i hate red roses,

Jk: & why?

Y/n:i just do.

Jk:you are wierd

Y/n:suppose to be

'Wanna tell you something '

Jk:what's it.

Y/n: I WANT TO BE.....

JK:you want to be......?

Y/n:no i don’t want to be. I..i..umm,will you give your surname to my child

JK: WHAT? All Yours, aaaahhhhh if It's a dream don’t wake me up. 

y/n:(gets shy)

He took her in his embrace with lots of affection.

Jk: I'm waiting for this day from too long, i was desperate to hear this from you.

Y/n: i was just confused about my feelings.

Jk: I was also, but i told you earlier. I want to say it again. I LOVE YOU Y/N,

Y/n:I owe you Mr. Jeon

Jk: I am feeling like the happiest person in the world alive.

Then they went for a passionate there is no tomorrow.
After a long passionate kiss  they broke the kiss.

Jk: It's getting cold here,

Y/n:Let's go downstair.

In their room,

They both cuddling inside a warm duvet.

Jk: y/n

Y/n: hmm

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