Part 40

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Marriage day,

Jungkook's pov,

I'm so excited to marry her again with all the rituals & love. Ahh my heart I'm gonna cry. Omg jungkook look at your bride she is coming towards you. Oh nooo. What I'm supposed to say. Oh why jimin is smirking. I don't even fucking care, jeon stay strong. Hold your excitement.

She is now infront of me, oh my gawdd

Y/n:don't be so nervous jeon It's not your first time [whispered in his ears ]

Jk:i just can't.

V:stop messing around guys.


[Skipping the rituals ]

(You may kiss the bride)

Jimin:will junkook able to kiss,

V:just watch bitch

Jungkook kissed y/n passionately

Jimin:what thaaa when did he learn how to kiss.

V:he is grown up man.

Jimin:still i can't believe that.


Jin:I'm so happy guys,

Rm:yeah me too.

Jimin:jungkook how did you kissed.

Jk:do i have to do that again


Jimin:i can't believe my eyes & ears.

Hobi:by the way congratulation guys. Lots of love from mee.

Jk:thank you hyung.

Jimin:i have something to tell you come with me.

Jk:what now?

Jimin:i met a spoiled guest here you have to teach that guest a lesson

Jk:are you even serious jiminshhiiiii


After party,

V:guys It's late let them go now,


Y/n:thank you everyone.

Jimin:hey what are you doing here kiddo, evryone left why Didn't you left huh

Era:dare to call me that again

Enwoo:again ghosh!

Jimin:jungkook It's her



Jk:yes princess [took her in his lap ]

Jimin:why You're calling him dad he is not your dad.

Y/n:he is,

Era:mom look he is so wierd.

Y/n:don't say like that baby.

Jimin:where the heck this kids came from.

Enwoo:from our parents.

Jimin:don't tell me this is your kid


Jimin:huhhh,,,I'm so confused what's going on.

V:it's a simple equation.

Jimin:got it you guys adopted kids, but why. Like It's little wierd. You're not so old jungkook.

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