Part 26

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Y/n pov,

I Don't wanna lose them like that. Why me in this earth? What do i do? She can destroy him in a minute. He is now in a very sensitive business State. Because of me i can't let him down.


Y/n: you are still awake

Jk: yeah,

Y/n: now sleep, it's too late.

Jk: no it's really important.

Y/n: about?

Jk: this project (pointing at his laptop) It’s our families dream project. It all started with my grand father. Then my father & now me, we are in a last stage, it will take some more years, like 3 or 4. I'm so hopeful about this.

Y/n: Best of luck, keep going on,

Jk: Thank you love.

(Gave her a kiss on her lips)

End of flashback


Jungkook pov,

I entered our room & saw y/n sitting on the edge of the bed by holding her head. Is she having stress.i went to her & give her a hug. ''Are you ok '', i said. She nods in a yes. '' Are you feeling bad '', she stays quiet.


Jungkook pov,

Let me do something to lighten up her mood. I was cleaning our room, then suddenly a box of medicine dropped from her drawer. It's more like hidden. Is she again taking pills like before? But why would she? Or It's just a normal pill.

I got a call from my Secretary,

S:Hello sir, we need you in the office right now. It's urgent.

Jk: ok I'm coming.


Y/n pov,

Today is really hard for me. I came home much earlier. The first thought came into my mind is Era &Enwoo.i rush to their room & told their nanny to went away. I pick both of them in my arms & cried. Maybe this is the last day I'm spending time with both of you. I need to choose only one of you. I'm so sorry. Mom has no option. I got blocked in every path.I need to leave your dad for everyone's good.Maybe I'm just a curse for everyone. Whome i love the most i need to leave them. & i bring problems in their life. I need to end this before she did aply her worst method. I'm so sorry, i don't wanted you to make separate. Forgive your mom, please. I again placed them on their cribe & again back to my serious mode. I called jungkook, his phone was switched off. Suddenly i heard some noise from the leaving room that means he is back.

I went straight to there.he seems like so exhausted. But i need to talk.

Y/n: Jungkook we need to talk about something really important.

Jk: I'm not in a mood, please Let's talk in the morning.

Y/n: No, It’s really important.

Jk: Don't be stubborn y/n. I just lost a very important client of me.

Y/n:[ i knew it she will do it, before It's get too late. I need to break all relations with him, that's what she need right, if It's good for him i will do it ] so,

Jk: Are you fucking kidding me, aghh sorry I'm not wanting to shout,just try to understand my situation.

Y/n: i want to clear that (why I'm trembling) i Don't want to be in this relation anymore.

Jk: are you even serious y/n, are you pranking me.

Y/n: No i really want divorce.

Jk: Wtf! I did? Even tho we have our kids, they had a future.

Y/n: I already told you my decision. Here are the papers.

Jk: Tell me one reason to leave me. & when did you arrange all this papers It's not legal.

Y/n: (i can't see him crying like that) I just fell out of love & I'm not able to concentrating in my business. So, i decided to take divorce.& did you forgot the agreement before our marriage. 

It will be good for both of us.

Jk: Give me the Papers i will sign. ( i can't believe that, she is doing this.she wants to leave i should leave her then, i signed the papers) You will regret it.

Y/n:Btw you can choose only one Between Era & Enwoo

Jk: wtf! Now you are taking away my childs too.oh,i forgot whome I'm talking to. Whatever i have to choose one right.
I will choose (even tho I'm getting separated from my childs, what a luck of mine) Era.

Y/n:ok then, we are free from eachother from tomorrow.


Last night he stays at their room & cried all the night. I know he is hurt. I'm leaving today i don't wanna bother him even more.


Jungkook pov,

Last night was a worst nightmare for me. I'm still in shock. What made her to do this.i can't think.

She took a glance for the last time of Era & pick enwoo in her arms & leave.Before leaving she said something to me. It's more like her last word to me,

Y/n :''believe in me it's good for both of us, & take a good care of both of yourselves. Don't make a wrong decision, be careful in your every step, I owe you '

SHE made me more confused than before,what does she mean.


Day's passed,

I decided to leave this country with Era, Here every memory of her killing me.

So,i decided to went uk.

In some days, we went there & started my life again with my beloved daughter. I hope her thoughts don't bother me anymore. But it does.

Era already turned 1, my little angle growing up day by day.

I missed Enwoo too. I know we got divorced but i really wanted to contact with her but my new secretary informed me that she blocked me in everywhere. I Don't know why she did this.

I didn't expect this from her . My family suggested me to move on.It's actually my sister. Mom & dad clearly told me that do what ever you want we don't give a fuck about that. I know they are really disappointed.

I think i should stop thinking about them. But her last words'what are those?' made me hella confused what does she even mean with that.


Y/n pov,

It's been months. He shifted to Uk. I was really unstable after getting those threats with fake proves. Media don't see what is real or fake, they are just busy with spearing rumours. That's why i hate it so much.

I am really not wanting to make a misunderstanding so i emailed him on his personal email account. There he always being active, but i got no response either. I wanted to inform him.

The day we got divorce, the day was all planned by her. I was not even able to give a hint about the problem, she was keeping eyes on us. But i believe in that, jungkook will never fell in love with another women, the way he fell in love with me. He will wait, my heart says.


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