Part 23

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Y/n pov,

It’s noon Jungkook wasn’t home, he had a meeting at office. My due date is  too close. I want him beside me. I want to spend my times holding his hands. Doctor told me that natural birth is not safe for me. So, they will go with C-section. 

Jungkook pov,

The meeting end, i need to go home to take care of my wife. I don’t want to leave her alone with maids but i have to.

Y/n pov,

I was watching some documents, suddenly my stomach started to really hurt. I can't bear the pain. The maid came to me, she asked me I'm ok or not. I told her to take me hospital & call jungkook.

Soon we reached hospital, but the pain is unbareble.

Soon they took me to OT & give an injection then everything black out.

Jungkook pov, 

I got a call from our maid, she said y/n got labour pain & they took her hospital . I'm scared. Hope she is ok.

Soon i reached the hospital, i heads towards the OT. I'm hella nervous. I infromed V hyung, he is coming.

After sometimes, the doctor came & congratulate me that it's a boy. I'm so happy, my happy tears are forming from my eyes. They took him in baby ward. I asked them if i could meet my wife they told me not now. Then the doctor again called me, he looks so serious.

Jk: yes doctor, is everything ok.

Doc: actually Mr. Jeon there is another  baby & it was hidden, so at first we didn’t noticed that even in the ultrasonography they wouldn’t found it.

Jk: is the baby pre mature.

Doc:The baby is mature, & we need to operate her now. So, Mr. Jeon

Jk: what Doctor.

Doc: you have to choose one your wife or the baby, there is a very low chance of surviving both of them. It is on of the rare case, you know.

Jk: Doctor can't you save them both.

Doc: i will try my best, but you have to take decision fast, we have shortage of time.

Jk: i would choose ______

Doc: ok then


It feels like my World is getting stopped. I don’t know what will happen. Why always this things happens to me. I was crying continuously , then a nurse came to me & told me to if want to see my son again  i can visit now, i went to him.He was sleeping. His tiny little fingers were moving.


It's already been 4 hours. No one came out from the OT.

The doctor came. Mr. Jeon your baby is safe & your wife is also safe but she had a bad physical condition right now. So it will take time to recover her from this. 

I felt a relief, the nurse handede me to the baby & It's a girl. My little  princess. She is crawling like a kitten.

Then she took her in the baby's ward.

After some hours, i get to  chance to meet my wife.

When i entered the room. I saw that her hands are covered with a lots of wires. She is conscious now.

Jk:how are you feeling.

Y/n: Huge pain in my body.

Jk: you will be ok soon love.

Y/n: How is our baby, it’s a girl or a boy.

Jk: Umm guess,

Y/n: ummm, ahh i can't, tell me.

Jk: we got both, a boy & a girl.

Y/n: that means they are twin,

Jk: yes, you know when i took them in my arms they smiled in little.

Y/n: i want to see them.

Jk: i took a photo of them, have a look.

Y/n: omo, them.

Jk: Don't cry .

Y/n: I'm just so happy,

Jk: we are blessed, you know v hyung came here he saw our both angels, then he got a call so he had to leave.

Y/n: i see, Did you eat.

Jk: no, 

Y/n: go grab some foods neither you will also get sick, then who will take care of the babies.

Jk: he he,,,  I'm  going .

I give her a peck on her forehead.


Y/n pov,

After 1 week i got discharged. Jungkook never let the babies alone. He is now carrying both of them in his arms.

Y/n: jungkook give them to me they needs to get feed.

Jk: i want to feed them.

Y/n: now you can't.

Jk: why men don’t have breast (pout)

Y/n: (laughs) aww my big baby, I'm stable to feed them so i will,& if i was not then you can


Y/n:i will tell you letter,  give them to me.

Jk: Feed them one by one,

Y/n: hm,

I started to feed them,


Now I'm completely fine, i can start to go office . We hired two babysitters. The best thing is how exhausted & tired he is but he never forgets to spent time with them.

Enwoo is little clumsy but era is very sensitive physically.
Taking care of babies is really hard & when you have two babies & both of them are newborn. I wonder when they will grow up.


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