Part 17

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Jisso pov,

Somehow i managed to enter y/n's room. I need to know about her. Because v is suspecting something about y/n.

Flashback v pov,

Y/n:today i lost a gem

V:what,which gem, are you ok y/n.

Y/n:yeah I'm, never mind

V:tell me,

Y/n: ok fine i just lost on of my favourite diamond ring, that's it. [Y/n:(i lied to him i Don't want him to worry about me)]

V:are you sure.

Y/n:yes I'm.

V:(something is not ok, i need to know. I can't see pain in her eyes.)

Pov end

I need to check everything very quick.

Then my eyes caught an small box, i opened it & their are some medicines.
I took them to check, after checking them my eyes got popped out. After-all I'm an psychiatrist i know this medicines verry well. This medicines have high power, it can pulls a people till death & people easily can't get them. I see how could i forgot when she was also in a medical sight with me. But i don’t know why she changed her path & joined the Commerce section. Even tho her score was damn good even she got a scholarship too.

Jisso focusd the bottles are half empty that means she already started to take them.

Namjoon pov,

Why she is taking that much time, jungkook would suspect us.

At that time jisso entered the living room.i got relief, i whispered on her ear (what did she found), she whispered back (anxiety & dispersion controlling pills, even i got an file of medicine that can effect like a slow poison)

The heck, why is she doing this again. I need to inform this v.

At the same time, the door opened revealing y/n. We can see shock in her eyes. She came straight & hugged me, i hugged her back.

Y/n:hyung, when did you came.

Rm: it’s already 2 hour's past.

Pov end,

Author pov,

Y/n got shocked to see her cousin & her on of the closest friend. She hugged them both, & on the other side jungkook is just watching them. Looks like he didn’t even exixt.

Y/n:you guys didn’t even told me that you are coming.

Jisso:we were here to surprise you. But you.

Y/n:aish i was little busy

Rm:it’s a holiday, you should enjoy this day by reading, visiting meau......

Jisso: namjoon for gods shake will you stop giving those advises.

Rm:ok ok, I'm quiet.

Y/n:you guys don’t even changed a little bit,

Rm: how could we, when You're still the same.


Jisso:look what have you done to you, You're looking so pale & tired.

Y/n:oh It's nothing,

Time skips

Y/n:it’s already dinner time let's have our dinner.

At the dinner table

Jk:( first time seeing her smiling like that.i never knew that she also can be sweet like this. Still that incident making me mad towards her.)

After dinner,

Rm:y/n me & jisso wants to talk with you about something really important.

Y/n: ok,but why so sudden.

Jisso:you will know.

Rm:jungkook if you don’t mind can we talk with her privately.

Jk: sure,why would i have a problem.


They moved to y/n's room, & jungkook  went to his own room.

Jk:(it seems so wierd, their matter not mine.But one thing is,after a really long i saw y/n today, her face lost the glow she had before.Maybe she is guilty about what happened in past. Should i talk to her)


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