Part 22

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Author pov,

Y/n started to move her eyes, she is Waking up.

Jk: y/n are you ok,

Y/n: yeah I'm fine, i fainted i guess.

Jk: are you having headache

Y/n:umm, a little.

Lia: ahem, ahem.

Y/n:...... Lia right,

Lia: yes mam, at first tell me when did you both get married.i mean tf you guys didn't even told us & now this.

Jk: we are just,,,

Lia: aren't you guys were enemies,

Y/n:yeah we were, i guess.

Lia: wow enemies to lovers clap clap.

Jk: aish sorry, now tell me what happened to her.

Lia: oh yeah, look jungkook It's a very serious matter.

Jk: what's the matter, tell us

Lia: listen then she is suffering from implantation.

Note:[In female mammals implantation is the stage in embryonic development in which the blastocyst hatches as the embryo, and adheres to the wall of the uterus. Once this adhesion is successful, the female is considered to be pregnant and the embryo will receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother in order to grow.]

Y/n:[implantation!,, omo! what? is it true, i can't believe my ears, did i heard correctly. ]

Jk: What's that? Please tell me already.

Lia: It will causes her morning sickness, she will started to get mood swings & also she will get bad cramps. &_

Jk: & what?

Lia: her tummy will grow & she will needs more food.

Jk: are you trying to say that she will turn into a monster.

Lia:(laughs) y/n will explain you,& take care her properly. I will take my leave now.

She leaves,

Jk: what does she mean, you are going to be ok right?

Y/n: calm down kook. Give me your hands,

Jk: huh,

Y/n placed his hand on her belly.

Jungkook got shocked,

Y/n: Someone is waiting to meet you

He got puzzeled at first then, I can see tears in his eyes. He hugged me tightly.

Jk: is that real, I'm going to be a father.

Y/n: yes it is.

Jk: I love you soo much y/n.

Y/n: I love you too.

Jk: we are going to be parents,

Then he put his hand again on my belly & whispers ' Hi there, Are listening baby, your father will love you a lot '

We both are extremely happy.


Y/n pov,

Now I'm 4 months pregnant,My tummy got a little biger,but people can't notice this if i wore baggy clothes & I'm doing the thing right now. Jungkook don't want me to go office, he wants me to work from home. We still didn't tell anyone about this news.Even tho jungkook is getting over protective about me. Everyday he takes a good care of me.

At night,

We both are cuddling, then i asked him,

Y/n: Don't you want to know the baby's gender.

Jk: No

Y/n: why?

Jk: it will be a bless so, let keep this one as a surprise.

Y/n: ok,but what do you want a girl or a boy.

Jk: If you ask me to choose, i would choose a girl.

Y/n: what if it's a boy

Jk: i will not mind at all, i will also love him,

Y/n:about the girl

Jk: actually i will love her more, hehe don't mind.

Y/n: i see. I'm sure that you are gonna be a good father.

Jk: i will do my best.


Another 3 month passed,

Jungkook pov,

She is already 7 months pregnant. She is now working from home. If you ask me about her cravings, she never have her own food, her eyes are always on my food. I brought her chocolate, Ice-cream but she don't even touch them. She stole my banana milk. She says that her food sucks. Oh i got a call It's v hyung.

Jk: Hello hyung, how have you been.

V: I'm good, how about you too.

Jk: we both are fine.

V: umm, i think there is more.

Jk: maybe,

V: really that means I'm going to be uncle.

Jk: yes hyung, but y/n don't wants to inform everyone .

V: i see, she still hate them, she hates care , whome she doesn't love.

Jk: (smiles)

V: what is she doing now

Jk: she is joining a online meeting,

V: & you,

Jk: massaging her foot.

V :(laughts) many more to come, auram also did that to me.

Jk: Hope everything goes well.

V: I'm excited to see my nephew.

Jk: well,

V: bye then, take a good care both of you,

Jk: ok hyung, bye,


Jk: lil pie

Y/n: hmm,

Jk:Let's think some name about our child,

Y/n: i thought one if it is a boy then we should name him enwoo

Jk: sounds good, if it's a girl, how about her.

Y/n: i know you must be thought something.

Jk: yeah its Era, Isn't it pretty

Y/n: so pretty.

Jungkook put his ear on her baby bump & said,

Jk: Did you liked the name,

Y/n: kook the baby kicked,

Jk: that means you liked it,

Y/n: the baby again kicked.

Y/n pulled his hand & put it one her baby bump. Jungkook can feel the baby's movement. Jungkook giggles. Jungkook kissed the baby bump & said ' stay safe & healthy daddy is waiting for you '


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