Part 34

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Y/n pov,

V:so, what did you decide?

Y/n:about what?

V:you know that what I'm talking about ,

Y/n:i should let him go

V:are you sure

Y/n:so what do you want me to do

V:You're not the same y/n whome i knew who can FIGHT for the thing that she owes.


V:he is getting married after 1 month.

Y/n:i know & I'm gradually invited there.

V:y/n do you think that i Don't know anything, you again started to take those pills even you have now blood issues . You are not only unwell mentally but also physically.

Y/n:i don't care, if i gone enwoo will get a good father & he will forget me soon.


Y/n:i said nothing wrong.

V:Then, are we closing this chapter here.

Y/n:i guess yes & now there is nothing Between us we are officially divorced.


4 weeks letter,

Author pov,

As i said.jungkook is getting married to sia. The week before the engagement ceremony. They invited all their friends & others.all Family members are not included.

Everyone went the place where they were invited.

Jk pov,

Evryone has arrived but where is she.

Sia:are you finding me?

Jk:no,ahm yes.

Sia: is there anyone you are waiting for.

Jk:yeah my sister & a special guest.


Jk:you will meet her soon.

Sia:ok, I'm going.

Jk:hm,..... Where are you y/n,,,,there she is.

Y/n:thanks for inviting me Mr.Jeon.

Jk:It's my honour that you came here

Y/n :will you lead me my room.

Jk:of course why not.

She took it casually. The fuck is going Between us. We want both us apart & then again want us together. What we are up to. Someone kill me.

Jk:Here you go Ms.Kim.

Y/n:Thanks Btw.

Jk:do you need anything else.

Y/n:ahm, can you tell me where is the bar.

Jk:you can't dri..... Uhm sorry, It's on the pool side.

Y/n:again thanks.

Jk:i will get going then.


Y/n pov,

Silly wedding. Is this called a wedding. Where bride & groom are not together anywhere. Such a fucking wedding.

It's already past 12. I guess the bar will be empty. I just want some drink. I guess until i lose my balance.

Bar tender:here you go mam,

Y/n:can you put more.

Bar tender:sorry mam but, i think you should stop, It's already alot. You will lose your balance any time.

Y/n:i guess you are right,i will get going.


Aghhh where is my room. On the 3rd floor but which one. I guess this one, i twisted the knob & went in.

Sia: jungko...who are y....oh ms.Kim.

Y/n:who are you?

Sia:you forgot me already,

Y/n:sia.. It's you

Sia:yes It's me kim y/n, how have you been lately hoping you are well.

Y/n:huh, well thats the word, I'm leaving.

Sia:wow, so early.

Y/n:i came here mistakenly & i don't want to argue with anyone else.

Sia: It's ok, but don't do this from next time because he is so good in bed & i don't want to be disturbed.

Y/n:will you please shut your unholy mouth.

Sia:what's wrong here, my fiance is so hot that i can't even imagine the way he gonna fuck me.

Y/n: hah, stay with it, i Don't care.

Sia: i guess your kids are his silly mistake.

Y/n:don't test my patience sia.

Sia: now What's wrong here.

I was too much desperate after hearing her. I found a vase near me & i broke it. She took a small piece of it & made a cut on her arm. At that moment jungkook entered the room. Then she started to shout.

Sia: why are you hurting me, what i did?

Jk:what's happening here y/n why are you here & sia how did you get cut on your arm.

Sia: i Don't know she came here & started to do this to me.

Jk:why y/n.

Y/n: i didn't harm her.

Jk:then What's on, her arm It's bleeding.

Sia:why are you doing this to me.

Y/n:oh really i was leaving & it was you who did this. Then you should know what i can do.

I went near her & give her a tight slap now it's equal.i also had a piece of broken vase on my right hand. Because of amger i squished it hard.
& then i started to leave.

Jk: i will send someone sia, take a good care of you. I will handle miss y/n



Jk pov,

I started to ran behind her. I saw that her right hand was bleeding.

I was able to catch her.

Y/n:leave me.

Jk: calm down.

Y/n:leave me jungkook.

Some how i mannage to take her in my room. How careless she is. I know she does nothing until It is about her precious priority.

Jk:why did you drink so much.

Y/n: i wanted to, so what?

Jk:you know that alcohol is not for you.

Y/n:huh do i care

Jk:you should, give me your hand.

Y/n:go treat your fucking finance not me.

Jk:shut up,

Y/n:i hate you

Jk:thank you, now give me your hand.


Jk:y/n please, let me treat your wound.

Y/n:my head is spinning ahhh,

& she collapsed in my arms.i took her in my room & laid her down then treated her wound. After that i went to sleep beside her. It's been a long time since we being too close with each others. She switched her position & dig into my chest & huged me tight. I wraped my arms securely aginst her are so precious to me y/n. You will know the truth soon.
I love you

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