Part 39

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Y/n & jungkook pov,

Holding each others hands,

Jk:We made it,

Y/n:yes we,,, it was hard for us but we did it.

Jk:i never thought something like that will appear in our life.

Y/n:neither me, but how did you found out,

Jk:this is the reasone why i returned here.

Y/n:you knew it,

Jk:i got to know, I'm really sorry for those hurtful words that i said to you.

Y/n:it doesn't matter now. But why did you choose to marry her,



[Remember the day when y/n was found in jungkook's room ]

Jk:y/n stop your hand is bleeding.

Y/n:let them bleed, go away,

Y/n lost her balance,

Jk:You're so stubborn,

Y/n:why You're treating me go & treat her,

Jk:shut up, sit quietly

Y/n:i Won't, how dare she is to talk rubbish about my children.

Jk:calm down.

Y/n:if she is not your bride i would kill her

Jk:you can still kill her.

Y/n:what do you mean,

Jk:she was never my bride & never will, because that place belongs to you.




Took her in his arms, y/n is now with mix emotions.

Jk:shh,,why are you crying, It's not your fault.

Y/n:i want to kill you,

Jk: now you wants to kill me too (giggles)

Y/n:why you didn't tell me earlier, you bad don't even know how i was feeling. You jerk, i hate you, i hate you. You're the worst. I don't love you.

Jk:whatever, i love you. I love you the most how can i hate my own part of life.

Y/n:how did you know,

Jk:YOUR dumd husband sometimes can be quite intelligent.

Y/n:correction ex husband.

Jk:whatever you say me ex wife,

Y/n:Let's get to the point, how You're gonna expose her,

Jk:i have a way, listen

Flashback ends,

Jk:but you Didn't went with the plan,

Y/n:i wanted but it all started with me & i had to end it.

Jk:& then you ended up hurting yourself, what if something happened to you,

Y/n:nothing happened right mr. Jeon,

Jk:right mrs. Jeon

Y/n:not yet,I'm still kim.

Jk:oh i forgot but you will soon ms.


Jimin & era's pov,

Jimin:hey kiddo

Era:yes & i have a name

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