Part 32

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Author pov

Jk:everyone present,

Jimin:suga hyung not here yet.

Jk:ok, till then let's sit in my cabin.

V:It's a good idea. Y/n will you join us too.


Jimin: Don't think much just come.

J-hope:feels like a family meeting

Everyone is talking about random topics. & y/n scrolling through her phone suddenly a msg pop out. She opened the msg & got shocked. She looks at jungkook he is already looking at his phone screen. On the other hand v got a call.

Jungkook looked at y/n for once & then rushing at the exit point. Y/n also grabbed her pursue & started to leave.

J-hope:what happened to them, why they leave.

V:I'm sorry i have to go, i will tell you guys letter It's really important, they already left, i have to go really fast.

Jimin:but what happened? 

He already left.

Jimin:what happened suddenly, shall we cancel the meeting.

J-hope:i think it will be better.

Jimin:ok then,


At hospital,

Receptionist :are you on of the parents of the childrens.

Jk:yes, can you please tell me where are they,

Receptionist :what's the patient name.

Jk:Era & enwoo.

Receptionist :the girl is at 607 & the boy is at 611.


Jungkook pov,

I was casually gossiping with hyungs suddenly i got a massage.  After seeing that massage i forgot to behave. My gaze immediately went to y/n. She is also staring at me. Without waisting time i left the room. & went to my car. I heard someone calling my name sevarel of times. But i was not in that state to stop. She knows well what's going on. What can i do for my child's?  And now they're in  danger how can i sit quietly. She also ran after me.

After i asked the receptionist, she told me the room numbers. I started to rush there y/n also running behind me. At first i spotted Enwoo. He was fine. Just got some cuts on his knee and hand. Y/n heads towards him. & took him in her embrace.unknowingly i also went there & hugged him.

A little tear escaped from my eyes. 'Who are you ',enwoo asked,  'era's dad', y/n replied.

A doctor came near the corridor & asked who is the guardian of room 607. I heads towards him & told him It's me. He looked at me with concern eyes . 'What happed doctor, how is my daughter, is she ok ',i asked.'we are sorry for your loss, she Couldn't made it',the doctor said.
'It can't be true, no no no, 'i said with a trembling voice.
I felt someone's arm is covering my shoulder. It’s y/n, she hugged me real tight. She is crying too.'calm down',she said with a soft tone. 'The doctor is lieing with us right, she is completely fine, i know '.y/n stayed silent. 

Y/n pov,

Doctors Words are still playing in my mind. Is this even real. No it can't be. She is my freaking daughter how can he say that she couldn’t made it. But the next thing stopped me that  broken jungkook. He is already in a mess, i can't resist this. I went to him & took him in my embrace.

Suddenly a Nurse came  towards us running.' We are really sorry sir that i told you the wrong room number, i just got confused in era & elli. & whome you are finding is at room number 615.'

Our eyes got widen. We both rushed at the direction she told us. We entered that room & era directly runs towards him & he picked her up & started to place some kisses no her forehead & cheeks.

Jk:are you ok my princes. I was so sceard

Era:I'm ok dad, but they didn’t allowing me to come out.

Jk:who the hell have that gut.

Y/n:can i take her for once.

Jk:yes, you can.

Y/n:thank you, oh my little one

I embraced her real tight. She is shocked indeed.

Era:who are you? 

Y/n:um,I'm enwoo's mom.

Era:oh how is he,

Y/n:he is ok,

Jk:we should get going before it gets too much crowdy.also enwoo hates it,it will be better for him as well as for era.

Y/n:also media's are gonna make  more violence.

Jungkook pov,

The accident was terrible. How can they be so irresponsible. Because of their little mistake, we might lose our child. I hope it never happens again.

A memory suddenly popped out in my mind.


Doc:listen mr.jeon your wife is too weak to carry a child, this may caused  of some kind of heavy doses of medicine as a side-effect, so there is a chance that she will never conceive again.

Jk:You're trying to say that, even if she survive she Won't be able to conceive again.

Doc:yes. So, mr. Jeon. You should take  care of her really well.

Jk:ok doctor.

That means it will be her first & last.



On call,

Jk:i don’t wanna hear anything i want that person in jail, right now.

Officer:we are trying to catch him.

Jk:he literally made a blast at school playground.

Officer:calm down mr. Jeon, we are doing our best.

Jk:do it fast,


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