part 16

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Y/n pov

I fall on my knees. Thousands of thoughts running in my mind. I'm dying inside. Those words are enough for me. If i want i could explained him. But my mind & heart stopped me from doing this. I need proofs. I can't fight without evidence. I want to proof him that I'm innocent. Because i fucking fall in love.

I'm sorry little one Your Mom failed to protect you.

5 months letter,

Author pov

Y/n & Jungkook don’t even talk to eachother. Y/n rarely comes at home. Don't even take her meal properly. Jungkook started to feel a little guilt inside. After-all he loves her. On the other hand y/n found a clue to find the person behind those fucking deeds.

Some days letter

At home,

Jk:It's a holiday so I'm working at home. I didn’t even saw y/n from the last night. It's already 1:30 pm. Suddenly the door bell rang. I went to open the door. A couple stepped inside the house.

Jk:Mr. Kim, you are here?

??:oh so you are the man.

Jk: i don’t understand,

??:first let us come in

Jk:yeah, sure.

Namjoon:What a coincidence.

Jk:I haven’t met you for a long hyung.

Namjoon: yeah,i have an another identy

Jk:what’s it?

Namjoon:I'm y/n's cousin,


Namjoon :meet my wife kim Jisso.

Jk:hello mrs. Kim

Jisso: nice to meet you jungkook.

Namjoon:where is y/n,ain't she at home,

Jk: no, actually

Jisso:this girl, is not Married to him, she is married to her work.


Jk: i will bring coffee for you guys.

Namjoon:no need, just sit here buddy.

Jk: How you are doing now hyung

Namjoon: same as before.what about you, we haven’t meet It's been a year now.

Jk: life is going like how it goes.

Jisso: How is your married life going, he means that.

Namjoon:don’t feel ashamed to express your feeling infront of us. We knew it was arranged.

Jk:it’s nothing like that hyung. Let it go, Let's talk about some other topics.

Time skips,

Jisso: can i use the rest room,

Jk:yeah sure it’s on the left, 

Jisso:if you don’t mind it’s a girly thing so can i use y/n's one,

Jk:maybe you can, her room is on the right.

Jisso:ok thanks,


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