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Katniss was taken back to the hospital after being found in the pipes after a nightmare. She's lying in bed, she hears someone sobbing and another person trying to calm them down. A crash. She leaves her room to investigate and finds it's Finnick who was crying and Paul who was trying to calm the other man down. Paul was currently bent over picking up pieces of glass from the cup Finnick threw at the man.


The girl leans against the doorway looking at the man.

"I wanted to go back. I wanted to go back for them, Peeta, Jo, and Kit, but I, uh, I couldn't move."

Katniss looks at the man. She knew the man was hurting but she was still hurting, herself. Peeta was in the capital because they choose her over him.

"They have Annie, too. They took her. She's, uh, she's in the Capitol. I wish she was dead. I wish they were all dead and we were too."

The brunet looked at the man as tears rolled down her face. She didn't say anything. Paul stood looking at the two. These games broke them. These games were the last straw to their humanity. Kit would be suffering just as much as these two. She was still be trying to survive.

Kit's POV: In the Capital

I was careful as I brushed Marie's long hair, humming a lullaby from district 2. The door opened and a nurse came in.

"It is time for your daily dose ma'am."

I smiled, finishing brushing the little girl's hair in front of me. She looked at me with her wide doe eyes. I set the brush aside.

"It is ok, Marie. It will only take a little."

She silently stood back and looked back at me and then at the syringe the nurse was holding.

"What is it for?"

I smiled.

"Your grandfather ordered it for the baby. Said that the fog from the games may have strained him too much and he wanted to be safe so it gives my body more nutrients for him."

She seemed hesitant like she knew something I didn't. I gladly held my arm out for the nurse who injected me with the yellowish liquid. The same numbing and foggy feeling went over me. She counted to three before removing the needle and putting the bandage over my arm to cover all the needle marks. As the nurse left Snow came in.

"Hello dear, how are you today?"

I smiled at the man who saved my life.

"Quite well, and yourself sir?"

He smiled, clasping his hands behind his back.

"Well, I actually think it is time for you to see the rebels. See if you can talk some sense into them?"

I tilted my head to the side unsure what the man was talking about.

"President Snow, I don't mean to be rude, but what makes you think they will listen to me. They left me for dead. Called me a career. They don't trust me and they killed my child's father what is going to change?"

The man shrugged.

"They requested to see you."

I stood from the bed I was seated at, and my shirt fell allowing the small bump to finally show a bit. I walked to the door, and Snow smiled at my action and lead the way. We walked out to a car that waited for the two of us. The tributes were being held at the tribute center on the 13th floor. We knew the rebels were located in 13. They were planning, waiting, recovering from Katniss's ignorant actions. The girl could have killed a lot more people with that action. She is lucky she didn't do more damage. The world flew by in a skew of colors until we approached the tall building that was at one point home to me and Ebinora. Thanks to a little convincing, Ebinora was allowed to go home, I decided to stay as I was able to get better care for my little boy that was growing in me every day. Snow stepped out and walked around opening my door. Then we were walking in. The lobby was still the same, with massive doors in the back to the arena for the parade, elevators to the far left and right, and small rooms lining the area. Snow led met to the elevators where he hit the 13. I looked out the clear glass like always.

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