Chapter 12

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District 2 was like I remembered. More rebels scattered the streets though. The residence is where I lay low. With me, in white, it was easy to blend in with the rest of the folk that was wearing the capital's colors. Ebinora was nowhere to be seen. Good. I didn't need the distraction. Same with the kids. I doubt I would recognize them even if I did see them. The sound of a berge grabbed my attention and along with the group of people headed to tunnels. Katniss would have to meet us there sooner or later and I was willing to wait. I pulled my mask up and hood over my hair. I smirked as I snuck a pistol into my belt. The girl was to die. Once in the tunnel, I found where the rest were hiding and decided to find my own area. I climbed to the roof of the jet train. With my clothes white I was going to stick out, but since Katniss was a long-range fighter I needed the element of surprise on my side. I found a dip in the roof and lay flat against the cool metal. I could see enough over the rim to make out an attack if there would be one, but in this case, I was going to need to use my hearing to get a good estimate on where everyone would be located. I could hear footsteps as they approached. I moved my hand over the pistol on my belt, removing it so it was ready to go.

"This is Katniss Everdeen, Speaking to all of the loyalists from the heart of District 2."

Along with the other loyalist, we step out of hiding with our guns raised. I jumped from the roof to blend with the rest of the crowd but my clothes were still too clean to really blend but so far so good. I saw who was with the girl. A good amount of reinforcement, her play toy boy from 12 was there, but the others were a no-go. I smiled. Good for me. I holstered my gun and raised my hands as the men swarmed in shouting the orders. One man stepped out pointing his gun right at the Girl. This man better not steal my kill.

"Give me one reason I shouldn't shoot you."

Shouts were heard as the man got closer but he ignored them. The girl shrugged.

"I can't."

"I guess that's the problem, isn't it?"

She looked at the man, something in the girl broke. She was cold and not care about what was going to happen to her.

"We blew up your mine. You burned my district to the ground. We each have every reason to want to kill each other. So if you wanna kill me, do it. Make Snow happy. I'm tired of killing his slaves for him."

The man started to lower his gun. I moved my hand to my belt.

"I'm not his slave."

The girl nodded, taking her eyes off the man.

"I am. That's why I killed Cato. And he killed Thresh. And Thresh killed Clove. It just goes around and around. And who wins? Always Snow. I am done being a piece in his game. District 12, District 2. We have no fight. Except for the one the capital gave us. Why are you fighting the rebels? You're neighbors. You're family. These people are not your enemy. We all have one enemy. And that's Snow. He corrupts everyone and everything. He turns the best of us against each other. Stop killing for him. Tonight, turn your weapons to the capital. Turn your weapons to Snow. Tonight, turn your weapons to the capital. Turn your weapons to Snow!"

I rolled my eyes. This man was obviously not going to do it. I was. I moved enough and shot. The bullets hit her shoulder and then I took off running. I didn't need to know what was happening but when I saw her go down I smirked and kept going. I heard bullets ping off the train. One hit my shoulder making me grab and turn to the man that had the run. I met his blue ones with my green. Her play toy was not going to make this easy, was he. I drew out a knife and launched it. I had it land next to his foot. He looked at the white blade than at me. He lowered his gun as I watched him carefully.


I didn't respond but I took off. I have a few more targets before I head home. I hit the button on my wrist to record a message to the nearest peacekeeper.

"Let Snow know that Mockingjay is down. I got to shots in her, can not confirm death. I am heading to the outskirts of the city waiting for further orders. Based on some of the chatter, I would imagine the rebels will reach the outer city in a few days. I will join reinforcements there. I will be able to take down other targets then."

"Copy that, Ms. Hadley, who are your next targets."

I pulled the list out of my pocket.

"Gale Hawthorn, Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, a man of Boggs, and anyone else aligned with the Mockingjay. If Katniss is alive, she will be too stubborn to not go to the capital, I will wait there to clear the rest of the faces of the rebellion."

"Copy, I will transfer messages to President Snow."

I released the communication and continued my way. Luckily 2 wasn't far from the capital. I looked around saw an abandoned carrier and made my way to the weird car thing. I reached under the dashboard rigging wires and headed back to the city. Getting there wasn't hard, getting in was another story. I walked to the gates where guards stood. I pulled down my mask and the men were quick to start unhooking the gate.

"Did Snow not tell you to close the gate and then retreat?"

The men exchanged a look before closing the gate and silently following me.

"Oh, so Snow told you two to escort me, good to know."

I ignored the two and found Damien Allegra, the game maker for the city. He was programming pods for the rebels to trigger.

"Well don't those lizards look ugly?"

The man jumped turning to face me. I looked at the things.

"Get rid of their eyes, give them something to scream about."

He smiled and put the device down before reaching out his hand.

"Kittera Hadley, what an honor to finally meet you."

I smiled and shook the redheads hand.

"Wish I could say the same. I would imagine that the rebels will be here soon. What is your plan for me?"

The man smiled.

"Snow told me to tell you, you are the intruder. The moment we figure out the "star" group you are to trail them, kill them. Well most of them."

I smiled.

"I think I can do that. I think I will find my place to camp out until then."

I look around until I see a fairly tall building. A smile took over my features.

"Found it. Send me Pod locations, so you don't end up killing me."

Before I could turn, the man grabbed my communicator on my wrist and opened the controls to place a chip inside.

"That will cause your guard to show a hologram map with the pod locations. It will also send a signal to your wrist through light detection as a warning to be careful."

I smiled at the man pulling up the map with my location flashing yellow and the pods showing up as red.

"Already ahead of it. I will see you around, Game maker."

I winked and made my way to the tall building for me to hide in. 

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