Chapter 6

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Kit's POV

The interview was painful to watch. Everything was painful from the light to the sounds. Caesar tried to approach me but guards were quick to separate the two of us which caused a shocked face to appear. I mouthed sorry to him but he just sadly nodded and walked back to where Peeta was being propped and prodded. He was nervous. I knew that. He knew if he would say one wrong thing, then Snow would just torment us worse. My "treatment" just started and I was nervous about what the boy was going to say, luckily he made it threw. He said what he had to and then we were stripped and sent back to the cells. I was placed in rags again and unlike the others, I was walking past my cell.


I weakly groaned and tried to fight but my body was still so numb from the pain that there wasn't much I could do as we walked back through the doors. My brain was already fuzzy. I was already mad at the girl on fire for leaving me. I was mad at Mitch for backing down on his promise. I was mad, what else did these people want from me? Did they want me to hate the world? I was forced down in the metal chair again and the guards came around my wrists and ankles. I pulled weakly, tired of the pain. I didn't want any more pain. Tears streaked my face as the metal tongs clasp around my head and the syringe was jammed into my arm. Unlike before when I wanted to fight, I let the electricity run into my temples and the scream tear from my throat. I screamed until my throat was raw and sore then continued. More images came up on the screen. Katniss shooting at Finn. Jo running at Peeta after he attacked me. Peeta ran a blade through me. Jo helping him get away. Sobs escaped as I wanted to fight the false memories.

"Peeta is my friend, Katniss, and Haymitch..."

I didn't get to finish as a slap went across my cheek. I couldn't do anything to soothe the pain that sprang up on my cheek. The doctor stared down at me.

"They are not your friend. They did this to you."

I looked up at the cruel man with tears running down my face.

"You are doing this to me."

The man smiled at my comment and walked back to the lever with electricity and pulled it down. More volts when through me and more screams escaped me. Soon pain came too much and the world started to blank out. The electricity faded and I felt the restraints start to come off.

"She can't handle any more today, grab Ms. Mason for her daily treatment."

If my body was working I would fight so Jo wouldn't have to face the same fate I just did. I was dragged by my forearms and carelessly tossed into my cell. I was too weak to move and just lay on my back dazed looking at the ceiling. The white hurt my eyes. The screams. Horrible screams. I cringed at the sound. I wasn't strong enough and know Jo is facing the consequences. Tears ran down my face and soon a hand grasped mine through the cell bars. I clung to the hand not caring who it belonged to. Those in here where my friends and I was going to fight to remember that. Snow was the real enemy. More screams echoed around us. I weakly sat up and scooted closer to the baker boy that held my hand.

"This is the worse torcher of all."

I felt the grip on my hand tighten and I looked at the boy with lidded eyes that would have to be bloodshot. The boy had red eyes and sunken cheeks. He looked as bad as I felt.

"Welcome to the 76th Hunger Games."

I scuffed.

"More like scream games."

A light chuckle rang from the boy. His laugh was scratchy as his voice. Mine wasn't much better from the screaming.

"How long was I in there?"

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