Chapter 2

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The doors opened to the first floor where an office was now set up for the president. The camera crew was at work on the man's hair and makeup. He smiled at me as I walked in before turning to his assistant who was helping him go over the lines he would be announcing.

"We need the fix these lines. I won't say 'rebels.' They are senseless acts of defiances, and I won't legitimize them."

But I thought they were rebels. That is what they are doing and I don't understand why we shouldn't acknowledge them, but then again the president has to have a reasoning behind not acknowledging them. The woman walked over to look at the lines that he was referring to.

"We'll call them 'criminals'....' Ridscals'...?"

The president seemed to think it over.

"Hmmm...otherwise we're breaking my oldest rule. Never let them see you bleed."

He nodded before adjusting himself and shooing the team away.

"Kit, don't worry, I didn't forget about you, I have a very important roll for you, later. For now, I just needed some support before we go live."

I smiled and backed away as the cameraman was giving a silent count down and then a point of his finger to sign they were life. The president smiled at the camera and readjusted the papers on the desk before folding his hands neatly over the pile and looking at the camera.

"Citizens, tonight I address all of Panem as one. Since the Dark Days, Panem has had an unprecedented era of peace. It is a peace built upon cooperation and respect for law and order. In the past weeks, you have heard sporadic violence following the actions of a few radicals in the Quarter Quell. Those who choose this destructive path, your actions are based on a misunderstanding of how we have survived, together. It is a contract. Each district supplies the Capitol, like blood to a heart. In return, the Capital provides order and security. To refuse work is to put the entire system in danger. The Capital is the beating heart of Panem. Nothing can survive without a heart."

The President paused and I look at the screen as it splits into 11 districts to show peace keepers pushing forward a few people with their faces covered and hands tied behind their back. I looked at the screen carefully. Where was 12?

"The criminals that kneel before you use symbols for the purpose of sedition, which is why all images of The Mockingjay are now forbidden. Possessing them will be considered treason. Punishable by death. Justice shall be served swiftly. Order shall be restored. To those who ignore the warning of history..."

My eyes were glued to the screen as the peacekeepers rosed their guns and the echo of guns shuts and the slumping of bodies showed on the screen. I brought a shaking hand to my mouth in shock and a tear escaped my eye. I was quick to whip it away and compose myself. Remember the pain they cause. They killed Paul. They caused this.

"...prepare to pay the ultimate price."

The camera shut off and the screens went blank. The capital seal popped up on the screen with a reminder to tune in tonight. I cleared my throat and straightened the sweater that I was wearing along with my coat. I put on a smile and went over to hug the president. He was quick to return the hug and smiled pulling me away to view the bigger bump.

"I see the little one is coming right along."

I laughed and put my hand on my belly feeling my face heat up a bit.

"That he is, now for my task, what would you like me to do."

President Snow nodded walking around his desk and grabbing the papers with a photo of the three tributes in white on capital thrones. Didn't know they had a photo shoot without me. Then he handed me another flyer with my wearing a white rose gown with my hands on Marie's shoulders smiling down at the girl. I smiled at the flyer. It had information about an interview that I guess was to be put on after Peeta's tonight. I scrunched my brows together and looked at the man confused.

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