Chapter 9

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3rd POV

Once the screen went black the girl turned to the remaining Boys in the room. Beetee was trying to calm the girl but her mind was going too fast.

"What happened?"

Beetee pressed a button on the com link.

"Boggs, come in. Do you read me?"

The girl frantically approached Haymitch. Paul and Finn stood in the back unsure of what happened.

"He knows that they're in there. It's a trap."

The man put his hands on the girl's shoulder trying to get the girl to stop pacing.

"Katniss, hold it."

"We have to get a hold of them. We have to tell them to get out. He knows."

Plutarch was next to Beetee playing with the signal cursing under his breath.

"There's no signal. We can't contact them."

Katniss finally loses it and starts to break down.

"No! Haymitch, he knew the whole time. He was taunting me! No, Haymitch. They're in there."

"No, we don't know that. We don't know..."

Haymitch pulled the young girl into him stroking her hair like a father would a young girl. The two boys in the back had tears in their eyes. Paul could no longer take it and exited the room.

"Did I lose them both tonight? Did I lose them both tonight? Did I lose them both tonight?"

The girl was shaking and mumbling into the man's shirt. He tried to keep calm and keep his voice even as he kept comforting the girl.

"Shh, it's okay."

"Did I lose them both tonight? I lost them both."


"No! No! No!"

The girl was breaking down and fighting against her mentor. He nodded to Finn who was careful to approach the girl.

"Come Katniss why don't we go down and get some food."

Haymitch let go of the crying girl and when the two left he sat down and let the tears start streaming down his face.

Katniss sat alone. Finnick went to his room when he was done leaving the girl with her thoughts and cold food. The President was quick to find the girl and sit across from her.

"There's no news. I'm sorry. It's the worst torture in the world. Waiting, when you know there's nothing you can do. Especially for people like us. But whatever strength, courage, madness, keeps us going, you find it, at times like these."

The young girl looked up with tears rolling down her face. The woman pursed her lips and folded her hands before continuing.

"You have it, soldier. It's what's kept you alive all this time. And it won't fail you now."

Katniss nods staying silent as she watched the women retreat. Soon Finnick came back to sit with the girl to wait. Seconds turn into minutes and an hour later Haymitch rounds the corner.

"They're back."

The two wasted no time standing and running to the medic hall. They pushed through the doors and see Johanna in bed with her head shaved pulling tubes out of her.

"I don't want that."

The girl stopped in her tracks.


The redhead next to Jo got up taking the tubes at the site of Finnick.

"Finnick! Finnick!"

She rushed to the blonde whose attention was all on the redhead.

"Annie? Annie!"

He picked her up twirling her around with the largest grin on his face. Paul with tears in his eyes walked in as the girl on fire departed to her friend.


The girl from 7 looked up and tears formed in her eyes as her friend and mentor approached her.


The giant hugged the girl as the girl started crying clinging to the man. She didn't want to tell him. His fiance. His child...He pulled back and saw her expression and took a seat as tears fell.

"She isn't here, is she..."

The girl let out a sob as she watched her friend break.

"...They took her away right before the lights went out...She never came back. We don't...Paul...we all thought you were dead. That Haymitch killed you...Paul her and Peeta...their treatment...Where is Katniss?"

Right on cue, they heard a yell of anger and clanging coming from the end room. Paul was quick to get up and rush to the room to see Katniss on the ground and Peeta on top of her strangling her. Paul picked the boy up using his muscles. The boy fought the larger man but the nurse was quick to sedate him and start locking him down as the nurses rushed to take care of Katniss. The man looked at the young boy that was filled with love and care at one point now turn into a killing machine. What did they do to him? He looked back up where Jo sat staring into the room from her be with tears running down her face. She said Peeta and Kit...Kit went through the same thing Peeta did. They were turned into mutts. Anger ran through the man as he punched the wall with a scream. Snow did this to her. His yells of anger echoed around the hospital and into the silent night. 

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