Chapter 18

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Katniss was in the hospital. I was still cuffed and back in my own room of the mansion. No one was allowed to see me and I was awaiting trial. The knock on my door brought me out of thought. A week has gone by and now I am getting to see someone. Haymitch walks in and I don't even look at him.

"It is time to go, Kit."

I stood, still uneasy on my legs. They were healing still but it was evident that the wounds I receive will be scaring me over. Mitch grabbed my upper arm and lead me down to the glass room where President Snow used to give me orders. I was still in my bloodied clothes, but when I arrived they confiscated my kill list and the remaining weapons. Now it was just a white suit with some armor still intact.

"Kittera Hadly, Victor of the 66th Hunger Games and the Capitols Assassin. We have proof of at least 200 and 20 victims killed in your name."

I looked at Coin, clear hate in my eyes. Haymitch stood in the corner staring at me and other soldiers littered the room all guns aimed at me.

"278, victims to be exact, if you count my kills from the games. Peacekeepers in all."

"Is this supposed to make you look better?"

I narrowed my eyes at the woman.

"No, there is a point. 278 victims that I didn't get the choice if I saved them or not. 278 victims whose blood lie on my hands because of orders I received. Do you really think I wanted to be tortured? Brainwashed? You know it only got worse after I warned you. Yeah, I remember. It is coming back in flashes, but I do have a few things consistent. My love for my family. My love to my friends. My care towards Marie. My hate towards Snow and my hate towards you. You paint yourself a picture of a leader in the rebellion, in reality, you are not much better than him, or me for that fact. How many children did you kill in that bombing?"

A look of shock crossed the women's face. I allowed my smirk to appear on my face.

"Yeah I know all about that, you even killed your own medic team. About killed your mascot of this whole thing. I may not be innocent but I am sure as hell not guilty."

The president pursed her lips and moved to straighten the papers on her desk. She crossed her fingers, scanning the documents before her.

"Very well, Uncuff her, I hereby declare Kittera Hadley free of charge but is under strict watch until she proves herself otherwise."

Haymitch pushed off the wall and unlocked my cuffs. I moved my wrists, cherishing the freedom. I turned on my heel and walked away. I heard footsteps behind me.

"They want to see you."

I turned to Mitch.

"I don't want to see them."

"Kit, they want to see you before the victor meeting with the President."

I turned to Mitch tears in my eyes.

"I don't care about that woman. For all, I know she is just as cruel as the man that ruled before her. This place haunts me, every moment in here is torment. I just want to see my family."

The man knew to let me go as I ran up the mansion stairs. I found the door I knew they were in and ran in. Paul was finishing the buttons on his shirt. He turned to me shocked before stopping and striding towards me. His lips found mine while I wrapped my hands around his shoulders. I ran my fingers through his hair earning a groan from him. He pulled away leaning his forehead on mine.

"How, when..."

"Seconds ago, where is Cato."

Paul smiled at me amazed.

"With Ebinora and the kids. They have grown so much."

I laughed, I would have imagined.

"So we have the room to ourselves."

The smile on his face grew and he was quick to kiss me. He grabbed behind my things bring me up and to the bed. He lay down, kissing me from my jaw to my neck. His fingers caressed my sides while mine worked on the buttons of his shirt. Everything felt right. Everything was right. Everything was going back to normal. 

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