Chapter 4

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Yesterday went fairly well. At least that is what I thought, Snow was upset about something that was mentioned in the interview and I was confused by what that was. Dinner afterwords was quiet and tense and I didn't know why until Snow brought up Paul. He asked why I would bring him up. I didn't really know how to respond, other than I was answering a question. What was the big deal? Paul was my fiance of course I was going to bring him up when it was concerning our child unless he was trying to hide something from me. Currently, I sat on my bed waiting for the nurse to come by with my daily dose but she was off schedule. For some reason, anger was quick to replace sadness and confusion. I was quick to pick up a glass cup and scream throwing it at the wall. I got up and started ripping the sheets off the bed. Jo was my friend. Peeta was my friend. They were being hurt, tormented. They didn't deserve that. So what. They betrayed me in the games. How many times did I betray someone in my own games? Did I kill my own brother? They were just trying to survive like everyone else. Like me. I would have done the same in a heartbeat. I would. I know I would have. I heard a knock on the door and I froze looking down at my hand that held a flower vase ready to throw. I felt something take over that hasn't taken over since my games. Snow was doing something to me and I wasn't going to let happen anymore. The door cracked open and rose the vase. The nurse closed the door, looking around confused. I threw the vase hitting her right over the head. She crumpled to the floor and I was quick to pick up the chart. And crush the syringe under my shoe. I walked to my bed, took a seat, and read the information on the papers.

Kittera Hadly

District 2

Victor of the 66th Hunger Games

Tribute of the 75th Hunger Games


Rebel? How am I a rebel? Pain started at my temples but I blinked my eyes a few times and continued reading.

Through games, was found conspiring with other traitors including the Mockingjays, Johanna Mason, Finnick Odair, and Beetee... The phrase "They Live" was used and multiple sacrifices were made to protect the teens when normally she would eliminate the competition. Due to her falling pregnant and close relationship with the President's granddaughter, her treatment will be spared. Treatment will include trakerjaker venom and Memory shade to cause confusion and allow new memories to be planted. She will become our weapon against the Mockingjay along with Katniss Everdeen's lover.

Another sharp pain appeared causing a groan to escape. A quick flash of yellow liquid that looks much like the liquid the nurse was going to put in me was being jabbed into me by doctors on the quin jet when we were leaving the arena. Jo and Peeta were strapped to chairs while I had medical teams surrounding me. I blinked away the images and brought my hand up to my mouth in shock. Another memory flashed when the serum wasn't working and Snow figured me out. Me killing guards and then me being held as Snow jammed a syringe in my neck whipping me again. A tear slid down my cheek. He couldn't know I knew. If he lied about all of this. Could Paul...could Paul be alive? I heard footsteps rushing up the stairs and I was quick to wipe my tears and walk out of the room. I walked down the hall to see the rushing peacekeepers.

"Ma'am, is everything alright?"

I forced a smile to the two gentlemen.

"Yes they are quite alright, now why are you two rushing about?"

They let out a relieved sigh, I guess they know I am not a woman to fight against.

"The President is requesting to see you, ma'am."

I forced a smile.

"Then I guess I shall meet him, is he in the office?"

The two men nodded and turned and lead the way. We went down the stairs to the small glass room that held a beautiful view of the rose garden. It was quite the sight. Snow sat at the office and the two doors shut to leave us alone. Snow studied me for a bit but I just looked at him confused waiting for what he needed to say to me. Before anything could come through a man came walking in quite quickly. Antonius I believe was his name.

"Sir, some cameras were damaged in the bombings, but we confirmed it's her."

The man rushes past me and around the desk to show the screen. Curiosity takes me and I follow the man to peer over his shoulder. The sight I see kills me. Dead litter the area, the once buildings of 8 were ruins, and flames danced the area. The capital bombed them? Why? What purpose? To strike fear in them? I hardened my look to prevent any more emotion to be shown. The President was already curious about me, I didn't need him being more so, and I would imagine the nurse will be discovered or wake up soon, so the more I can find out the better.

"Zoom in."

Following the command Antonius zooms in on the tablet, trying to bring clearness to the blurred image. It was disoriented but it was definitely her. I could tell by the girl's posture and bow on her back. Oh Katniss what were you doing?

"She was visiting a makeshift hospital. We're not sure if she's still there.'

The president seemed to be thinking about this comment. He met my eyes on the tablet and an evil smile overcame his face. Just then shouts were heard outside and I knew I was busted. Antonius continued though.

"We can scramble hovercraft from the border of 11. We may be able to target her."

Snow's evil glint grew just as rushing footsteps could be heard approaching the door.

"Hmmm. Kill the wounded."

My eyes widened.


I was quick to reach for a paperweight on the desk but before I could do much with it, peacekeepers had me in grasp, and paper weight knocked out of my grip. With one of the guards pointed at my stomach, there was little I could do. I went limp in their arms as I stared at the man.

"You are a monster! A monster?

President Snow smiled at me.

"You heard the speech, dear. Any association with the Mockingjay symbol is forbidden. Everyone inside that hospital has committed treason."

He turned back to Antonius.

"Show them what it costs to be friends with Katniss Everdeen."

I stared in horror as I watched the man type and send the order. I fought against the grips on my arm but the guard with the gun cocked his gun which quickly made me calm down. I watched as Snow rose from his desk and calmly approached me. He then smacked my causing blood to surface in my mouth. I rolled my neck and turned to look at the cruel man.

"So I see you fought through the treatment again. I am matter impressed with Ms. Hadley. Twice now have you overcome but sooner or later we will get you to snap. You will be our weapon."

He turned his attention to the guards that held me.

"Take her to be with the others.'

My eyes widened.

"No! No! You will end up killing my child! No!"

Tears ran down my face.

"They will not kill your child Ms. Hadley, just your mind."


I fought with everything in me but soon I was hit over the head and the world went dark. 

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