Chapter 8

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Kit's POV

Pain and more pain. Everything hurt and based on the screams I could hear around me, the others were feeling the same way I did. My arm was numb by this point from all the needles going in and out of it. My temples were on fire. I held onto the knowledge the Jo...Peeta and Anie were friends. That is all I could hold onto. The rest was a blur. Pain and confusion whipped them out and there was nothing I could do this.

"We need to get her out of here and to the mansion, lock up the others for bait."

"We still need more time on the clearing, to make sure she is good."

"No time."

The man I assumed was speaking to the doctor moved, unlocking my restraints to drag me from the room. As being removed I saw the others being thrown into their cells. They kept walking. Why are they separating me?

"Where are you taking her!?"

I looked back at Jo that was using the bars to keep her up as she stared at the guards that dragged me away. They didn't answer her, I was too tired to answer her. My games were not done.

"Tell them I love them, Jo."

My voice was scratchy and barely a whisper but based on the tears Jo had, she heard me. Then I was through the door and gone. I allowed my body to go limp and with it so did my will to fight back. I was officially the capital mutt. I was pushed into a car and I watched as the lights in the capital flickered and then shut off. Everything was dark and we pulled away. The tv in the vehicle popped on and the blonde boy that was left behind popped up. I watched as the boy looked right at the camera, tired, healthy, and started to speak in a calm voice.

"This is Finnick Odair. Winner of the 65th Hunger Games. I'm coming to you from District 13, alive and well. We've survived an assault from the Capitol, but I'm not here to give you recent news. The truth, not the myths about a life of luxury. Not the lie about glory for your homeland. You can survive the arena. The moment you leave, you're a slave..."

Tears formed in my eyes. I knew what he was going to share. The torment he faced was sickening and made me scared when I got my visit from Snow. Tears dripped down my cheeks as the boy kept talking.

"...President Snow used to sell me, or my body, at least. I wasn't the only one. If a Victor is considered desirable, the President gives them as a reward or allows people to buy them. If you refuse, then he kills someone you love. The only one accepting to this rule was Kittera Hadley who is currently being held captive, pregnant, and tortured in the capital..."

They knew, then they know that when they get Peeta, I will be much like him if I would ever see the drunk or the girl on Fire. I would kill them. They are the ones to blame. I could feel my hand clench as the thought. My nails dug into the palms of my hands until blood was drawn by the sharp ends of them.

"...To make themselves feel better, my patrons would make presents of money or jewelry. But I found a much more valuable form of payment. Secrets. See, I know all the depravity, the deceit, and the cruelty of the Capitol's pampered elite. But the biggest secrets are about our good President, Coriolanus Snow..."

I started shaking. He was putting a target on his head. Snow didn't cause him pain, Katniss did. The Capitol was good to him! Why is he saying all this! He is a traitor! He left me, us behind! He is with the person that killed his best friend, my fiance. He is supposed to be my friend. We watched each other's backs during the games... My mind started to pound with thoughts that were contradicting each other. I winced but kept watching as we made another turn, bringing me closer to the house I dreaded entering. Marie wouldn't be there, Snow said that she hasn't been around since I have been "hospitalized". Lies. I knew that. I hated Snow as much as Katniss, no matter what my brain was saying. I knew that much. I felt that much and I trusted my gut that Snow was not the nice man I think he is. I had a feeling that my scatterbrain was his doing.

"Such a young man when he rose to power, such a clever one to keep it. How, you may ask, did he do it? One word. Poison. He stopped every mutiny before it even started. There are so many mysterious deaths of adversaries. Even to allies who were threats. Snow would drink from the same cup, to deflect suspicion. But antidotes don't always work, which is why he wears rosed that reek of perfume. Help cover the scent of blood from sores in his mouth that will never heal."

That I knew was true. It was all true. I remember Finn crying to me at night after returning. Calling with clear worry in his voice. More tears slid down my face as the car came to a stop. The guards yanked me out of the car and the speakers in the house echoed around me with the voice of my friend. I wanted to fight back. Scream anything. I couldn't. I was too weak. Too tired. Too done to fight. I was done.

"...But he can't hide the scent of who he really is. He kills without mercy. He rules with deception and fear. His weapon of choice is the only thing suited to such a man. Poison. The perfect weapon for a snake..."

The guards threw me into a small room in the corner with a tv that was on. The screen was blank and static filled the air. I crawled to the cot and sat up tears in my eyes watching as the image flickered then the girl I wish to kill. To cause her blood to splatter appeared.

"President Snow? President Snow, it's Katniss...President Snow? President Snow, I need to speak with you. Are you there? President Snow, It's Katniss. Can you hear me? I need to speak with you. President Snow, it's Katniss. President Snow, are you there? Can you hear me?"

The girl paused. I had my hands over my ears. I was ready to pounce if someone would spook me. The overwhelming urge to kill was becoming annoying and I wanted to feel someone's life rush out of them.

"President Snow..."

The Girl didn't have to say much more as the tv flickered again and Snow's image appeared. I was less annoyed but I still wanted to kill something. I wanted to...the door opened and a guard came in. I was curled in fetal position watching the guard as approached me. I smiled as I could see his boots right next to me and I sprang and wrapped my arm around his neck. He clawed at my arm as a wicked laugh left me and the man stopped breathing. More came in and I laughed fighting the men off until one jammed another syringe in me. I felt the world grow fuzzy.

"Miss Everdeen. What an honor. I don't imagine you're calling to thank me for the rose."

"I never asked to be The Mockingjay. I just wanted to save my sister and keep Peeta alive. Please, just let him go and I will stop being the Mockingjay. I will disappear. You will never have to see me ever again."

"Miss Everdeen. You couldn't run from this...any more than you could have run from the Games."

 "Please. You've won. You've already beaten me. Release Peeta and take me instead."

"We're long past the opportunity for noble sacrifice."

"Then tell me what to do. I've always kept my promises, haven't I?"

"You said you didn't want a war, and that's just what's happened. I told you what a fragile thing peace was. And still, like a child, you took pleasure in breaking it. I know what you are. I know you can't see past your narrowest concerns. But please, Miss Everdeen, I doubt you know what honesty is anymore."

"You asked me to convince you that I was in love with Peeta. Haven't I at least done that?"

"Miss Everdeen, it is the things we love the most that destroy us. I want you to remember that I said that. Don't you think I know your friends are in the Tribute Center? Cut them off?"

They overtook me before more thoughts could hit me.

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