Chapter 10

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3rd POV

The sound of machines echoed around as Katniss starts to stir. She wakes to a neck brace which he tries to take it off. Paul was quick to wake up and stop the girl.

"No, Katniss, No, no, no. You're swollen. Don't touch it. No, no, no. Calm down. Calm down. You're okay."

Paul turns to see the nurse start to walk into the room.

"Tell her she's awake."

Paul looks back at the girl as she tries to talk.

"Don't try to talk. Peeta is okay, I promise. I just had to get him off you. I am going to let the others explain when they get here okay?"

The girl nodded and relaxed seeing the state of her friend. She contemplated how to ask about Kit so she grabbed the man's wrist before pointing at his necklace that she knew belonged to the girl. Paul smiled sadly down at the girl and did his best not to let his emotions betray him.

"Kit...She is going to be ok. She is still...going through a lot."

A knock saved the man from having to go further. He was under strict instructions to not let the girl know about Kit. Not yet. They suspect that Kit will be in a state much like Peeta when they see her next. When Heavensbee, Haymitch, Beetee, and Prim enter the room the man left as he didn't want to hear the explanation again. Heavensbee let out a sad sigh watching the man leave the room with clear tears in his eyes.

"It's called hijacking. We don't know how long the Capitol's been doing this to Peeta."

Beetee pushed up his glasses before moving closer to the girl's bed.

"It's fear conditioning enhanced with tracker Jacker venom. You were stung in your first Games, remember? The venom puts the subject in a dissociative state. And they torture him with shocks and beatings and strip down his identity. And then all of that suffering and fear is redirected, associated with other memories or a person."

Primrose looked at her sister before looking back at the man in a wheelchair.

"They changed his memories of Katniss?"

"To make her seem life-threatening."

Haymitch stepped forward knowing the next words were going to take a toll on the girl.

"They turned him into a weapon, Katniss. To kill you. We suspect they are doing the same with Kittera. Based on what Johanna explained they went through similar...treatment...Kittera is still in the capital. I would imagine they separated her from the others to perfect the... treatment."

The girl looked back to the door where Paul left moments ago. Haymitch noticing this sighed.

"He is under instruction to keep it quiet. The last thing we need is people knowing about Kit. She is good. If what we suspect is true, she will be ruthless much like in her first games. If she is too far gone, I am scared to say that we may have to eliminate her for...everyone's safety."

Prim looked at the man.

"But you can reverse the effect?"

Beetee took a moment to think before looking back at the young medic.

"The fear is the most difficult thing to overcome. We're hardwired to remember fear best."

Plutarch stepped in to save the scientist. This explaining was hard and he knew that.

"It's new terrain, but we've put together a team. I'm optimistic."

The room fell to silence the group of people filed out of the room minus Prim. Paul leaned against the wall tears running down his face.

"At least you told her."

The group of men turned to look at the man.

"So you are planning on killing her?"

Haymitch was careful to approach the man knowing that he was skilled in combat. Hand to hand was his thing and no one would be a match.

"Paul, you have to understand. She may be too far gone."

He shook his head no.

"Don't kill her, I can get through to her. I know I can."

Haymitch stayed quiet and guided the man away so they could continue talking. 

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